A re-post... The Thrive Tomato! OK, why would a doctor encourage - TopicsExpress


A re-post... The Thrive Tomato! OK, why would a doctor encourage a direct marketing product like Thrive? Money? No, I have plenty to live a comfortable life. Status? Really, anyone who knows me understands that I am not about bling or snobbery - I raise chickens in my back yard! Why then... Its easy. I am a physician that has dedicated his life to healing the sick and mending the wounded. I have come across a product/company/people that can and does change lives for the better. My wife is a perfect example. She has lost 20+ pounds, is happier and healthier on Thrive (blood pressure now normal!). My friends Ken and Laura are going to live a much longer and healthier life than before Thrive. My 87 (now 88!) year old mother is more active and alert than before Thrive. That is the why! I have no better opportunity to touch as many lives, in a health guided way, than through Thrive and Le-Vel products! It make sense! It makes for great health and fitness! Now onto the Thrive Tomato!!! The tomato is a wonderful fruit, loaded naturally with numerous vitamins, minerals, enzymes, etc. Now, push forward to modern farming...the same tomato that is potentially so healthy is: Grown year after year in steadily nutrient depleted soils. A hybrid that bears seeds that are sterile. Likely a GMO product. Washed in insecticide and herbicide sprays. Often picked green and hard so as not to bruise the fruit. Artificially ripened in warehouses with ethylene gas to rush the ripening process. Transported hundreds if not thousands of miles to arrive at the grocery store. Why is that a problem? All those wonderful enzymes, trace minerals, amino acids are either not present or allowed to mature during the artificial growing process. Ergo, what was once a wonder of nature, has now become a Frankenstein of modern agriculture. If you are a farmer, I understand your plight and that the profession is a time honored tradition, but to make a buck and feed the masses, you do what you think you have to do. I just want an organic tomato, thank you... Where does Thrive come in? The Le-Vel products supply our depleted and malnourished bodies with the essentials of great health. Yes, there are other natural products to supercharge our lifestyles in the same products, but the essentials are what are important here. Not everyone can afford that organic tomato or the many other examples of foodstuffs that are deplete of healthy components. Thrive gives the insurance that your body systems can function at a premium level. As a doctor and Le-Vel promotor, I can touch many more people today than ever before. Thats why! So, your choice...the modern tomato or the Thrive tomato!!! See below (yes all organic).
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 20:09:19 +0000

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