A reader wrote: Chivalry is not dead in Pea Ridge. During the - TopicsExpress


A reader wrote: Chivalry is not dead in Pea Ridge. During the morning storms that hit, I was waiting it out in the Neighborhood Market parking lot with three small children in the car. During the heavy winds and rain I witnessed a young mother wearing a baby carrier with a small infant strapped to her front and pushing a toddler in the cart with her groceries. As she attempted to get the infant in the vehicle, the wind began pushing the cart with her toddler in it across the parking lot. I honked and flashed my lights as I reached for the door handle. She managed to grab the cart and before I could get out of my truck, a nice young gentleman rushed to her aide, grabbing the toddler and strapping him inside his car seat and then grabbed the young womans groceries and put them in the back of her SUV and shut the door while she secured the infant in the vehicle. His kind act of service proved that chivalry is not dead and gave me something to talk about with my 3 boys who were also watching. The kind young man gave the lady a smile and a nod as he ran back to his car, drenched from the rain. Thank you to whomever that young man was who gave my boys something to remember.
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 16:34:40 +0000

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