A really good video to ponder with. Ive always make social - TopicsExpress


A really good video to ponder with. Ive always make social media my own lab, being experimenting with lots of things. Its true people tend to get so much into this and became confuse which is reality and which is not. Try unfriend or block one of your closes friend and see what happen next, The sole reason for me to stay posting things is for you guys kawans. 80-90 percents in this friend list are my friends yang sama-sama membesar. Kawan-kawan since sekolah rendah sampailah ke Uia ini. I put so much restriction to approve people here. The reason is simple, saya nak kita sama-sama hijrah menjadi lebih baik itu saja. Nak applykan konsep brotherhood in Islam towards my friends (the actual one that i meet in my real life) that i can only reach online, to make us familiar with sharing good things, benda yang boleh memberi manfaat buat semua. Alhamdulillah thumma alhamdulillah, Saya gembira sangat lately sorang-sorang kawans inbox dan tanya, macam mana nak berubah, what steps to take, how to start learning the deen, and other advices. I only share what i know, but i can give you something to begin with insyaAllah. Personally, im no good. Still learning this and that. Seriusly please dont call me Ustaz just because im sharing something Islamic, were muslim we should be Islamic aiyt? Have taqwa kawans, buka Quran tengok terjemahan surah alHadid ayah ke 20. Allah teach us the stages of life, focus onto this part: then it dries and you see it turned yellow; then it becomes [scattered] debris. Eventually, all those things that we like now will be nothing in our heart by time. Contohnya, pada umur around 23-24 ni ramai yang baru graduate, tengok pula sorang-sorang kawan dah kahwin sudah ada kerjaya serta pendapatan tetap. Kita rasa eager kan nak kejar semua itu. But try to look back at our own grandparents, did they really care bout things macam nak kumpul duit, beli superbike and etc? Nay is it. That what been mention in the ayah, gambaran seorang petani yang sangat-sangat gembira bila tanamannya baru berputik hasil nikmah hujan dan sebagainya, It is like giving him hope, walaupun tanamannya itu baru berputik belum berbuah pun lagi, nak jual lagi la jauh masanya. Tapi bila by time buah dah ada the excitations are decrees. Sama macam kita ini, be careful guys. Balance our aims in this dunya yang aku nampak ilmu je yang akan membezakan darjat kita ni. Jangan berhenti belajar itu je. -Seriously make dua moga Allah sampaikan kita pada Ramadhan just beberapa hari je lagi, and please give more time to yourselves during this Ramadhan. A quality time for you and the Rabbul Alamin. Try to reduce the iftar thingy lagi-lagi pada 1/3 yang terakhir. Im not sorry for this long post, may this can benefits whoever that Allah izinkan.
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 04:06:38 +0000

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