A recent Hot mic accident yet again revealed back room corruption - TopicsExpress


A recent Hot mic accident yet again revealed back room corruption with key politicians from both parties conspiring to serve the IMF/World Bank/Federal Reserve banksters and their global Imperial agenda. Both House and Senate Republicans have expressed opposition to the proposed bill, mainly over a provision that would give unused U.S. Military money to the International Monetary Fund (I.M.F.). Graham was offering “help” in working with Boehner over his and other House Republicans’ opposition to the Senate’s version of the Ukraine aid package, a spokesman told TheBlaze. “Let me know what I can do to help you with Boehner,” Graham is heard saying (to Senator John Kerry) on the hot mic.~Jason Howerton, The Blaze Almost all politicians from either party, just like the corporate media outlets that support either party, are in the service the international banking cartel. The IMF/World Bank/Federal Reserve banksters have their controlled corporate media push the culture war too fool people into thinking if only they can get their party right and beat the bad party that things will be OK. You get no choice, at all. Youre a slave. Politics is a lie, a charade. If you have anything to do with either side of the culture war, youre being duped. There has only been one single party for decades, the Council on Foreign Relations party, pretending to be two.~Cash
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 11:53:39 +0000

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