A recent Star Ledger editorial cited a 2010 Kaiser Family - TopicsExpress


A recent Star Ledger editorial cited a 2010 Kaiser Family Foundation report that showed children ages 8-18 spending 53 hours a week on electronic entertainment. The editorial concluded that schools should teach them how to do that better. So much for the cutting edge of the news cycle. Ralph Nader had a different take in 2012 within his ... Seventeen Solutions. amazon/Seventeen-Solutions-Ideas-American-Future/dp/0062083538/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1384944051&sr=1-1&keywords=ralph+nader+books Chapter 4 Protect the Family Unit is his longest chapter. Ralph might sound alarmist here, because he thinks that the new fangled electronic stuff is taking over the function of parenting and exposing children to an unfiltered version of corporate advertising. He has compassion for parents and recognizes that they think they have more important things to do than parenting their children. He does warn parents that corporations have plans for their children and those plans will lead to conflict over family budget items and all other activities of the family unit. The corporate message is that parents shouldnt interfere with what their children do. Whats a person to do, when even the Star Ledger is leading the lemmings into the sea? Theyve even reported on bringing ocean waves into malls for commercial entertainment purposes. They have their good days and bad days. Ill keep reading. If you need more detailing of the problem, go to kaiserfamilyfoundation.files.wordpress/2013/04/8010.pdf, It says more about the problem than Ralph does about a solution. Not all solutions are better than the problem, but all solutions are worth trying until they can be proven to be worse than the problem. Ralph has 16 other solutions that are worth reading. They define the problem well enough to frame the solution. Im getting more interested in where the solutions are and thats why Im starting to look at: popularresistance.org/ and continuing to look at: billmoyers/.
Posted on: Wed, 20 Nov 2013 12:01:23 +0000

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