A recent letter to the editor of a National, UK Newspaper. This - TopicsExpress


A recent letter to the editor of a National, UK Newspaper. This is SERIOUS people and we all need to get REAL - the X-factor partys OVER - it is time to THINK about our childrens FUTURE and to ask ourselves WHY we brought our children into this world if they are to be condemned to a life in PERMANENT AUSTERITY and DEBT-SLAVERY. Dear Editor, I am writing to you as a concerned, British, citizen and I give my full permission for you to freely, publish this letter in whole or in part and in the interests of both informing others and/or empowering a rapidly, growing voice of concern among many British people. The issue is Palestine & Zionism, not only Israeli brutality against Palestinians but their continued and illegal occupation of Palestinian, designated territory and their control of global, finance. Many would say Israel itself, is an illegal imposition in the land of Palestine given from the start, the new occupants have systematically persecuted, dispossessed and killed, the original inhabitants. Oppressed people will and do fight back in whatever ways they can and Israeli response to those instigated attacks is to brand the perpetrators terrorists. I ask you to watch the video via link below - it is just one example of many such records of Israeli abuse against Palestinian people; women, children, the elderly... Imagine, if that were your mother, father, sister or grandparent ? This level of atrocity has been going on for DECADES, is it any WONDER that a Palestinian paramedic is persuaded to martyr herself as a suicide-bomber? Israeli retaliation against such attacks is heavy-handed and barbaric: What would the British public reaction have been if every time an IRA member bombed or threatened Britain, our government response was to go carpet-bomb parts of Ireland with phosphorous bombs? https://facebook/photo.php?v=660810610666669 In a sense, our governments have done exactly the same as Israel against Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya - none of these nations posed a military, threat to Britain and neither, had they officially, declared war against Britain. Under the treaty of Rome it was an ILLEGAL decision that Parliament made in giving the go-ahead for invasions and bombing of those nations knowing full well, that innocents were at risk. Iraq and Libya are in RUINS. Millions are dead, millions more maimed, traumatised and living under rule of armed-despots. It has been and remains, truly heartbreaking for fair-minded global, citizens to bear and witness. It is as constant a source of pain as the problem of child-starvation in all of the under-developed/colonially-exploited nations. My life-story is entirely, reflective of the abuses ignored by this world and its powers-of-interest mostly, around money and control; my life is one of recovering from, dealing with and confronting issues of abuse on every level. I was often told let it go, forgive, move-on as if it is possible to do any such thing when I KNOW others remain at risk and victims left defenseless and easy-prey to more abusers. It is not that i cannot forgive the abusers of children and humanity, it is more that i cannot IGNORE their impact and their influence. I am sure, they are psychologically, damaged people who need psychiatric help and i do believe the very negative and mob-judgements regularly shared in the Press, do not help victims to report crimes against them as so many DO empathise with their abusers and this a well-recognised psychological-phenomenon; Stockholm Syndrome - a survival-strategy. I do believe Britain itself, is suffering Stockholm Syndrome or else, what other reason can explain our collective silence via our Press and media, in regard to OUR politicians voting to illegally bomb innocent and defenseless people and children with DEPLETED URANIUM ? Do you know that D.U has a half-life of 4.5 BILLION years? Are you AWARE that the women of Fallujah have been told to stop having babies? Do you understand that depleted uranium is many times MORE deadly when it has been spent in a nuclear-reactor than when it went in? Do you know that our own Royal family = The Firm = THE CROWN CORPORATION has made hundreds of billions in profits from sale of uranium via the Crowns corporate-control of the resources and minerals of colonised lands? David Cameron PM is publicly and officially quoted in 2009, as saying I am a Zionist and that he is good for Israel. What does this MEAN coming from a British Prime Minister supposed to uphold democracy and human rights? He has stated that he wants to Scrap Human Rights and has put it on the Tory, 2015 election-manifesto. Scrap human rights? We suffered two world wars and a history of crime upon crime against humanity to finally win our Universal, Human Rights and it is actually, an offense for any government who has signed up to them, to later try to change or deny them. The point is; who is benefitting MOST from these attacks against otherwise peaceful and prosperous Muslim peoples? Which nation is found most GUILTY of violating Human Rights which they consider a HINDRANCE to their self-given right to proclaim themselves as Gods Chosen People? Indeed, are Zionists in any way reflective, of how we might expect Gods chosen people to behave? Is it not TRUE that the whole philosophy of their 20th century religion/usurping of Judaism amounts to an Anti-Christ philosophy? When a British Prime Minster states that he is a Zionist then the British public have a RIGHT and a NEED to know and understand EXACTLY what that means and it is the responsibility and DUTY of the Press to keep people INFORMED. Long dismissed as a hoax the Protocols of Zion nonetheless, have been FULFILLED and no one can with any credibility, deny it is not so. The Zionist philosophy is fundamentally, racist and seeks to empower itself via complete opposition to the establishment of Human Rights i.e. the non-Zionist, African child as an inferior, sub-species of human, has NO RIGHT to food, water, shelter, healthcare or education, the only right for the non-Zionist (which includes a majority of TRULY Jewish peoples) is to do as they are told or else be exterminated = what is going on in Palestine. Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan - the people of those nations contributed greatly to giving much needed AID to Palestinian people; schools, hospitals, building materials and all kinds of products that are necessities for life and that Palestinian people were and are DENIED being trapped in poverty and half of them denied even, access to clean water. They live in a series of island-ghettos each separated from the other and with numerous Israeli-Military checkpoints to pass through simply to get from A to B within Palestine itself; mothers and babies have died during childbirth at those checkpoints along with the sick and injured. A group of true-Jewish women recently, smuggled some Palestinian children into Israel, so they could experience the SEA - Palestine has NO ACCESS to the coast. Most of that AID has now CEASED because ALL the Muslim nations are suffering war and insurrection and Palestinian people are DESPERATELY SUFFERING AS A DIRECT RESULT. Words cannot express how DEEPLY upset and disturbed i am to witness my OWN country stand side-by-side with such monsters as Zionists who effectively SPIT ON MY GRANDFATHERS GRAVE and ALL of the heroes of two world-wars. I feel that such an admission from a British government and in light of the very obviously, Zionist-controlled & instigated Banking Collapse that is presently robbing every nation on earth via Austerity = ECONOMIC TERRORISM - driving people to early death and suicide. is tantamount to an admission of TREASON = the British government is no longer serving the best interests of the British people they are SUPPOSED to REPRESENT via a DEMOCRACY = WHAT WE WERE TOLD WE WERE ESTABLISHING IN IRAQ. The deaths of Dr David Kelly and Robin Cook REMAIN very suspicious in light of their condemnations against talk of invading Iraq. Princess Diana and Dodi were planning a trip to Palestine and their deaths remain equally, suspicious. Perhaps my own life is at risk for identifying and confronting enemies of humanity - but should i therefore, GIVE UP? Warriors are born to DEFEND & PROTECT and yes, people DO sacrifice their own lives, freedoms and worldly-opportunities for sake of making this world a safer, saner and fairer place for future generations because ALWAYS as parents, we strive to provide our children with a better and saner way. Does this and previous UK Governments provide future generations with a saner way? Every child burdened with the debt of the last = all our nations children of EVERY ETHNICITY, to be BORN into BONDAGE = DEBT-SLAVERY to a Zionist-controlled World Bank? Strange how that same bank had NOTHING to lend us for all our nationalised industries and services that were so desperately in need of upgrading after the war - the British Government could NOT spare a few £million to save ROVER - ah but when CRIMINAL BANKERS have illegally GAMBLED and committed fraud and theft of the publics money - suddenly, they are happy to loan Britain £TRILLIONS to bail-out the banks. While every UK citizen now owes £68.000 to the World Bank on behalf of the banks WE bailed out, those SAME bankers EXPECT British people to CONTINUE paying their loans and mortgages! To WHOM are we paying? Was the bailout NOT to cover the LOANS AND MORTGAGES TO BRITISH PEOPLE? = Has our Government NOT taken on responsibility for those instead, via a PUBLIC bailout? = The debts are PAID WITH BORROWED, PUBLIC MONEY and yet, they now have the AUDACITY to threaten a Bail-in = outright THEFT of income from peoples PRIVATE ACCOUNTS AND SAVINGS. In a world where people cannot LIVE without money, this is indeed TERRORISM and under its rule, people are driven to kill themselves. The points raised here are very serious and in my support I have Anthony Farrell, former Senior Police Intelligence Analyst for South Yorkshire Police. He worked for 12 years as Intelligence Analyst and is trained to masters degree level in his profession = he is professionally trained to examine and interpret evidence as clearly and correctly s possible. His work as held in such high esteem, he was selected in 2010, to write and present a Terror Threat Assessment report for the whole of Britain and he was asked to take the evidence of 9/11 and 7/7 into account. Anthony Farrell was sacked after he refused to alter his conclusion that BOTH 9/11 and 7/7 were INSIDE JOBS and the biggest threat facing British people today, is INTERNAL TYRANNY. I have met Mr Farrell and talked with him at length - he told me that in the end it came down to his DUTY OF CARE which he had sworn an oath to serve the best interest of British people in his capacity as Public-Servant. Mr Farrell was presented with a choice either alter his report and keep[ his job and pension or else stick with his report and lose both. My Farrell explained to me in no uncertain terms that the choice was in TRUTH a choice to be COMPLICIT in the crime of murder. Considering Anthony Farrell has a impeccable work history of service to the British people and even, has sacrificed career and pension in honour of his OATH-OF -OFFICE, should I hold MORE faith in Mr Blair or Mr Cameron who both have conspired to utilise Britains military & finance & Government & media toward satisfying Zionist-agendas in the Middle East and which have in NO WAY benefitted the people of Britain, instead, they put us at risk from terrorism and deny our civil rights? Should i trust self-proclaimned Zionist Mr cameron MORE than I trust an HONEST and LOYAL Civil Servant such as Mr Farrell? Why DO we employ these people if we are to just IGNORE them when they unearth uncomfortable TRUTHS; a Senior Intelligence analyst is EMPLOYED to examine UNCOMFORTABLE TRUTHS and present them as EVIDENCE so we can understand the nature and cause of a crime or problem. It is THIS type of indepth and careful analysis that is VITAL in addressing the problem and arriving at a positive and viable, solution. What else would we expect a police serving treasonous powers to do except to knowingly or unknowingly, support the official-lies and repress those who ask uncomfortable questions and present uncomfortable evidence to JUSTIFY those questions? WHY havent the British press given publicity to My Farrell? He has been publicly RIDICULED for his Christian FAITH - meanwhile, we are to COMMEND Cameron on his ZIONISM? Why and HOW did Netenyahu receive SIX MINUTES WARNING before the attacks on 7/7? Why WAS Charles De Menezes followed and shot 8 times in the head on a London tube-train? Please check the FACTS here: richplanet.net/starship_main.php?ref=130&part=1 We have G4S an Israeli owned global, security corporation that is a subsidiary of MOSSAD = Israeli intelligence, buying up and RUNNING UK Childrens homes and ALREADY controlling & running UK SECRET family Courts. They are now getting ready to provide a PRIVATE POLICE FORCE to the corporations they serve. Why cant BRITISH people run our childrens homes? I implore you and others of your profession to get WISE TO THE FACTS of what is really going on in this world. Until we have freed our own nation from the tyrants now entrenched, there is little we can do to assist other nations. indeed, if we do nothing we are DIRECTLY SUPPORTING & CONTRIBUTING to even worse tyranny abroad = LOOK AT PALESTINE, IRAQ & LIBYA. Does being A British citizen today, mean i must go quietly to my grave with the deaths of innocents killed in MY NAME on my conscience? To KNOW i did and said NOTHING AT ALL in the face of outright TYRANNY ? - Yes, we are in the midst of an AXIS OF EVIL = a ZIONIST AXE making CUTS - cuts in jobs, wages, healthcare, education, food, housing, fuel, water and in the Middle East, literally, cutting people and children down DEAD. Yes, i sound like a mad conspiracy theorist and truly i WISH I WAS. If my life is in danger for confronting and exposing the tyrants then SO BE IT because really, life is not worth living under rule of psychopaths which is what deniers of Human rights truly ARE. I urge you to take courage and show FAITH in Universal Law that is the FOUNDATION of the throne of England and that Queen Elizabeth Windsor swore on OATH and via signed & written to CONTRACT, to uphold and OBEY. She has BROKEN that contract; her knights are found to be PAEDOPHILES and her CLOSE family friends. She has recently and illegally, set herself ABOVE the Law via rights to absolute secrecy = the FINAL detail in the ever-unfolding plot of enslaving the British public to corporate SLAVERY on zero-hour contracts with NO NHS and with Welfare in form of a Factory prison: BRING BACK THE WORKHOUSE screams Osborne in British newspapers. Please, do whatever you can to INFORM THE PUBLIC and to gather support for the many positive and viable SOLUTIONS that lead us NOT into a return to Victorian Britain but deliver us ALL into a fairer and more balanced way of life; silver, hemp, eco-industry, a nationally-owned bank and investments in new, technology - all of these can and WILL counteract against the mechanism of the mafia-mob and their fictitious and corrupt, money-supply. We cannot fight with guns and bombs, we need truth, law and reason - we need COMPASSION for our fellow human regardless of their faith, class of ethnicity - it is this ability of the British people to EMPATHISE with the plight of others, that once made Britain truly GREAT. Did that Britain die with ATLEE? Thank you for taking time to read this. Anything you can do to help is much appreciated. Yours Sincerely, Miss Deborah Mahmoudieh
Posted on: Tue, 08 Jul 2014 16:20:55 +0000

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