A recent statement: I dont know why working people vote - TopicsExpress


A recent statement: I dont know why working people vote Republican, when it is against their own best interests. Here are a few reasons I will not vote for Democrats as a party, but might for an affiliated individual: Most Democrat visions are too abstract to have real meaning, solutions or appeal to the middle class; All sorts of attempts to help the poor (50 years worth) that I cannot see as having been a real help while those attempts have increasingly burdened the working class with taxes; I see bailouts of the banks, but none for the under water home owners; Republicans supposedly are the party of corporate welfare but the Democrats had ARRA and bailed out green energy, auto mfgr, insurance cos, financial institutions, etc.; While dependent on (and awarding special benefits to) unions, not much has been done to really help labor {OSHA has done much for workplace safety}; Democrats are as reliant on the business community for campaign funding as those Koch Brothers influenced Republicans (forgettibg Sorchi?), so businesses play both sides of the fence, such that even the carried interest loophole in the tax code cant (wont) be addressed; Democrats have done little or nothing to stem the growth of monopolies {pre nationalization??}; Republican reply to fiscal issues--we want to lower taxes and spending {lip service, little real action}; Democrat reply to fiscal issues--we want income equality, social programs (while being soft on Social Security and no visibly improved consumer protections). People that work hard want to hang onto as much income as possible and dont want to see the fruits of their labors go to sponges...... Democrats {perceived} belief in the collective and setting themselves up with in loco parentis excuses to intrusively enter and regulate lives of individuals is just too much (for me).
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 17:04:18 +0000

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