A reflection from the Dean Dear Friends, Ive just finished - TopicsExpress


A reflection from the Dean Dear Friends, Ive just finished doing my taxes. I know, its supposed to be done in April, but I usually have Holy Week and Easter in April, and then Im tired, so the final, final deadline is October 15 (although who knows, with what is happening in Washington). Ive been told that I have a negative association with taxes. I dont know why...Im not a crook nor do I make a lot of money, so really there should be no problem. But somehow, somewhere in my past, sitting down with the clergy tax guide and a thousand crumpled receipts became the most onerous and dreaded task I have to do. Association is an important concept in psychology. People respond differently to events and people depending upon whether or not they associate them with good or evil, pleasure or pain, happiness or sadness. Certainly, this is true in the church. Our experience of worship, or of coffee hour, or of other church activities shapes our response to those events and determines to a great extent, if we are going to participate in them in the future. When we feel nurtured and uplifted by music or liturgy, when we meet new people and are welcomed into fellowship, when our opinions are honored and respected in a congregational meeting, then we are more likely to actively engage ourselves and our energy because we have a positive association with the church and its members. I hope that as we move into high season here in South Florida, as new faces come through our doors, every one of us will take the time to extend hospitality to make sure that no one leaves this sacred space without a positive association of Gods grace and love here at the Cathedral...and that they will want to come back because of it. See you in church, Doug McCaleb The Very Rev. Douglas Wm McCaleb Dean
Posted on: Fri, 11 Oct 2013 16:45:46 +0000

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