A report by London-based Environmental Investigation Agency has - TopicsExpress


A report by London-based Environmental Investigation Agency has found that demand by Chinese consumers is fueling illegal logging and corruption that have contributed to the near extinction of Siamese rosewood, an increasingly rare tropical hardwood found in countries in the Mekong region. Beyond the biological toll, there is a human one, when illegal loggers encounter enforcement officers. “The tools of the trade are chainsaws, guns and even rocket-propelled grenade launchers,” the report said. “Since 2009, dozens of forest rangers have been killed” in Thailand in shootouts with loggers from remote villages or Cambodia, it continued. Forty-five Cambodian loggers were “reportedly shot dead by Thai forces in 2012 alone.” More about population and natural resources: populationmatters.org/issues-solutions/natural-resources/materials/
Posted on: Mon, 19 May 2014 11:00:01 +0000

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