A reporter is a type of journalist who researches, writes, and - TopicsExpress


A reporter is a type of journalist who researches, writes, and reports information to present in sources, conduct interviews, engage in research, and make reports. The information-gathering part of a journalists job is sometimes called reporting, in contrast to the production part of the job such as writing articles. Reporters may split their time between working in a newsroom and going out to witness events or interview people. Reporters may be assigned a specific beat or area of coverage. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- It is sad to say that is not the case anymore.In fact the media has taken reporters and made them split writers.I would say news but they do not do the news,it has come to where any reporter is about them looking good,not doing the news,especially political reporters.They are the ones who work hard on trying to divide the nation.When you have a reporter who is a democrat,that reporter is going to focus on bashing the republicans,when you have a republican reporter,that reporter will only focus on bashing the democrats.The saddest thing is that people will believe what they say,which is basically closing their eyes and mind from the real issues of this country,I would say it is time that has to stop,but we all know that will never happen.It is up to you to see how the media works and how you can not divide yourself from the issues at hand.You all have to see that the media are nothing but politician protectors and it is you who is their army.So if you are smart,you will avoid the division and look at the real issues of this country,It is both parties and the entire government and the entire media who is at fault of destroying this country and in my opinion.I have to say that the top 3 of bias,disgraceful,and false reporting is..#3.CNN...#2.FOX NEWS..AND THE #1 WORSE REPORTERS AND MEDIA IS ..MSNBC...Do your own thinking for yourself and stop believing what is told to you by the media,God gave you all a brain,dont mess it up by doing what the media tells you,cause they are not in it for the people,they are in it for 3 things.1.For them to look good and have control of your thoughts..2.Money..and 3.Ratings..you people are not even a part of their lives cause like a politician,they could care less about you all.
Posted on: Thu, 07 Nov 2013 09:46:17 +0000

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