A response from John Miceli. Please note that I have made it clear - TopicsExpress


A response from John Miceli. Please note that I have made it clear to John, that I share all political correspondence with concerned citizens on the Ward 4 discussion page, my own Weeks for Ward 4, Facebook group page, and the Save Willistead Park, Facebook group page. Therefor you are aware that any information you may share with me will in turn be shared with all concerned , which is as it should be. Mr Miceli wrote: Thank You for your email. As indicated to you in my previous email it was left up to you to set up a meeting to come and meet with me. My administrative assistant is Mrs. Betty Tilson and she can be reached by phone at 519-253-2300 extension 2748 or by email at [email protected] . The purpose of the meeting is to discuss with you as a concerned citizen the future report that administration will be bringing to a future heritage committee meeting. As it relates to your email I am a little unclear as to your statement of “continuing changes to the park keep appearing and feel that it is vital that the community receive all pertinent information as soon as possible.” Can you please elaborate as to how you came up with this assessment? What are these continuing changes ? As you know the City has made available to the general public the Willistead Pathway Design for a significant amount of time now (almost a year). I have attached the link for you to re-familiarize yourself with our approved plan citywindsor.ca/residents/parksandforestry/Parks-Development/Documents/Proposed_Pathways.pdf I am sure we can agree that Wiliistead Manor and Willistead Park are designated as heritage properties. In fact a report to the Heritage Committee by the Heritage Planner on June 13, 2012 further strengthen the City’s designation and the need for review by the Heritage Committee. I have attached the link for your review of that report and recommendation citywindsor.ca/cityhall/committeesofcouncil/Advisory-Committees/Windsor-Heritage-Committee/Documents/WHC%20JANUARY%208%202014%20AGENDA.pdf strengthening this position. In fact as a result of the recommendation strengthening the designation the City of Windsor (Parks Department) is required to consult with the Heritage Committee with respect to far more attributes to the property than we did in the past. As a result of this amendment the Parks Department brought forward our proposed Pathway plan to the Heritage Committee on January 8, 2014. At that meeting a presentation was made by myself and the Manager of Parks Development Mike Clement to the Heritage Committee highlighting the path. At that time the committee requested that we bring back an application to address the entrance ways to the property which will be the subject of the future report. In fact Mr. Weeks you appeared as a delegation to address the item and to offer comments. I have attached the following link to that meeting and the minutes for your review citywindsor.ca/cityhall/committeesofcouncil/Advisory-Committees/Windsor-Heritage-Committee/Documents/WHC%20JANUARY%208%202014%20AGENDA.pdf At that time it appeared that you understood the process as it relates to changes to the Willistead property and the steps and process that administration must take when making changes to the Willistead site. In your email you are implying that we are not taking those necessary steps. Mr. Weeks you are suggesting that I am denying the public’s right to know? I do not agree with you. I ask you to please summarize what changes you are “alarmed” by at Willistead that were not addressed in the plan available for public review on the City’s website or what was discussed at the Public Meeting of the Heritage Committee held on the January 8th, 2014 whereby you appeared as a delegation? You are demanding that I provide you with a copy of a report that has yet to be made public. The subject of the report will be the issue relating to the entrances to the property. You are asking me to provide you with an advance copy of the administrative report to allow you to have access to information before the members of the Heritage Committee are afforded the ability to do so. I am alarmed that as an individual who is seeking public office that you do not seem to understand the severity of such a request or the process in which administration is bound by. In this case you are asking for the report well in advance of the committee members. Once again Mr. Weeks I cannot accommodate your request and it is not within my authority to do so. As I indicated in my previous emails I have no issue with meeting with you for a discussion but no report will be made available to you in advance of the Heritage Committee meeting. Therefore in preparation of our meeting I ask you to please summarize what changes you are “alarmed” by at Willistead that were not addressed in the plan available for public review on the City’s website or what was discussed at the Public Meeting of the Heritage Committee held on the January 8th, 2014 whereby you appeared as a delegation?
Posted on: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 13:42:48 +0000

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