A response from a young person to another: OPEN LETTER TO - TopicsExpress


A response from a young person to another: OPEN LETTER TO NTSIKI MAZWAI From Sifiso tso Mtsweni Hayi Sana uwrongo Dear Ntsiki Firstly let me confess that i knew little about you until you shot into the spotlight following in your legendary footsteps of your sister Thandiswa Mazwai when you were featured in one of DJ Freshs house tunes. I thought at the time that here is an upcoming poet who had a bright future in the arts industry. Ofcourse those few measly lines which were boosted by your family ties did little to bolster your failed career in the music industry until you once again battled for the spotlight through your consistent ranting peddled at our movement the African National Congress. Ofcourse myself, like many others, struggle to see you beyond the fact that you still bubbling under your legendary sisters feet. Be that as it may, let me attempt to engage you on your so-called letter to the ANC, this is because the letter is addressed to the ANC and as a paid up member of the ANC, i thought it prudent to respond to you, a person at your level deserves a response from a normal branch member let alone a Branch Chairperson, you are not worthy of a response from the leadership at any level. Firstly lets correct one big mistake you make in your letter, you and i know that you did not vote in 1994 because you could barely ride a bike by then, your assertion that you voted for the ANC in 1994 is a fallacy informed by an over-zealeous fictitious mindset that is forever trapped in a world of fantasy and intrigue. Now that we got that out of the way, let us also attempt to entertain your boo assertion which you failed to turn into something poetic, it failed to make anyones heart to skip a beat, if anything it made our hearts beat faster for the sheer stupidity displayed by a young black south african! Boo-ing is a normal feature of political activity, there is not a single politician worth his salt in South Africa that can claim to have never been booed. Booing does not mean people dont like you, it may mean that at one point or another, people disaapprove an action or decision that may have been taken. Since u were still watching kideo at the time, let me remind you and your followers that in the period between 1993 and early 1994, President Nelson Mandela was once tasked with the huge responsibility of quelling political violence in Kwazulu Natal between ANC and IFP supporters, in one of the most historic rallies held by President Nelson Mandela, he appealed to ANC members to throw away the guns in the ocean and work for peace this was followed by booing and heckling from ANC members and supporters, perhaps if you voted in 1994 you would have picked this up and perhaps did a poem for us then! Secondly, your own personal life and conduct does not put you in a position where you can even begin to think about raising moral issues against the ANC President or anyone for that matter, you are a drunkard and a junkee of note who is trapped in a deep frustration of failing to make an impact, you fooled yourself to think that by attacking the ANC and its President, your dwindling career will once again receive the prominence enjoyed by your sister, you were wronged. Lastly, at no point did the ANC claim sole responsibility for the struggle, we have acknowledged the role of other prominent organizations such as the PAC, AZAPO and others but perhaps one thing that poetry failed to teach you is that it is not the responsibility of one political party to promote the fortunes of another, it cannot be the ANC that tells the story of the PAC or AZAPO, it must be the PAC and AZAPO that do so! In conclusion, it is my suggestion that rather than ranting on social media and anywhere else about the ANC and what you perceive to be very bad, why not use your non-existent celebrity status to contribute to a better society, contribution to a better South Africa goes beyond writting letters, tell us how many times have you done something that changed a life of another, beyond lying about how you prefer natural hair as opposed to weaves, inform society about how you were April-fooled by radio 2000 to put on fake hair on your head for R1 million rand. The April fool that you are exposed you in that your words are cheap and can be bought by a couple of rands, perhaps your frustration with the ANC is more than it meets the eye, should we perhaps give you a few rands or perhaps a few gigs in order to tell the good story of the ANC? Only time will tell but in the meantime, try to fix your crapy poetry and stop living under the shadows of your legendary sister. Hayi Sana uWrongo maan! From Sifiso Tso Mtsweni- Member of the ANC George Central Branch, writting in his personal capacity
Posted on: Thu, 03 Apr 2014 10:00:48 +0000

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