A response to Bolturs message and Mangoks rhetorics: Boltur - TopicsExpress


A response to Bolturs message and Mangoks rhetorics: Boltur Aher Arol, Sorry for late response. I was busy somewhere. On your version, I tried not to argue with you because I thought our recent long private discussion educated you correctly. It seems that hasnt been the case. In that regard, I need to put some facts straight about what you responded to. 1. I was saying what was in my mind per the ordeal I went through which you confirmed yourself as correct. 2. In all my argument about the ongoing conflict, on any forum, I have never generalized any community such as the Dinka. I had been saying, that the unfortunate was concocted by a clique which has ganged up to enjoy the gullibility of Salva kiir who doesnt reason beyond J1 to loot the nation and kill any real or perceived opponent and Riek Machar was just lucky to leave the town since he was the prime target . 3. In what I posed, I didnt touch to confirm or deny if any killings of Dinka in Bor or Malakal or Bentiu took place because I was not there and the rebels who were there have denied and I could not speak for them. So the fact that I was not there, I could not confirm or deny what happened but as I maintain saying that, any intentional killing of human being is an ultimate evil. 4. If I didnt touch anything about killings of other people but I speak out my ordeal on the man Salva Kiir and his militias who targeted me, looted my home and sent me to exile because of my ethnicity, then one would surprisingly wonder as to why Mr. Boltur could come in-between to tell me to speak up about other victims when I am a victim of injustice myself and victimized by a gang of traitors in Juba? 5. If I didnt mention any Dinka or make a generalized statement of such a community, then sane people would ask why Boltur took it upon himself to react in the manner that he did? The following verbatim makes a possible explanation of why you did react that way. Only a fool, would misunderstand you that, you were emotionally charged on two grounds: 1. Anything touching the senior architect of Juba murders Mr. Kiir makes you unhappy with guilty conscience because you feel your lord is likely to go to ICC and that like all other clique members who gang up in looting South Sudan have always made rhetorics on the same. 2. You think my mentioning of Kiirs worst sins, is equal to mentioning Dinka and equal to underrating the death of any Dinka or any other citizens somewhere else. you are deadly mistaken and besides, these are two remote matters. I never wrote what I wrote in defence of Gen Gatdet but was personally speaking of my ordeal under my former President Salva Kiir. Boltur, how possible that a man who seems intellectual like you should go on in denial of the obvious and at the same time contradicting the same as truth? How much does it cost you to acknowledge with honesty that your president Kiir has killed his fellow citizens because of their ethnicity? For how long will it take some of you that for the last few years since the SPLM 2nd National convention Mr. Kiir has been planning how to kill Riek Machar and turn the two communities into fighting beasts along tribal lines so that he remains in power with the clique looting the country? Men like Telar and Makuei are happy because they enjoying the gullibility of one senior citizen in a wrong place! So, just to let you know, I detest any death of any person whether Nuer or Dinka or otherwise but as a victim, I have to speak of what I can prove. If I am needed as eye witness for Juba killings, the government team will find my evidence overwhelming because I witnessed the truth but what happened at the rebel controlled areas, I cannot prove since I never went there and neither Am I in the country. I need to let you know that, Salva Kiirs regime is only protected by those who are beneficiary of loots and I dont think you are one of them and if it is in the name of Dinkaism then you must think and know deeply the fact that loots of Juba clique are not enjoyed even by all Dinka. The people of Lakes state have been in perfect hell on earth, the dignified people of Mading Aweil whom I am sure you must respect their dignity as you are one of them, have been oppressed by imposition of a senior partner in crime King Paul Malong Awan who used the spying boys like Dishonorable Mangok Mangok to rape apart the peoples dignity. What do we say using such boys to destroy peoples parliament, arrest chiefs and Mps who attempted to criticize the evils of Juba through other senior partner in crimes like King Paul? Kiirs clique has killed people of Wau, allowed Twi East citizens to be butchered last year and instead of sending apologies, he was busy welcoming Bashir who killed millions of his fellow citizens. I would like to advise you my brother to desist from denials of truth because the more you deny, the more you are generating our society into furnace and that is not in your interest for our generations and posterity. Do not defend the bloody scenario Kiir has created, never feel guilty by association unless you are one of those who hunted us down in Juba. Leave alone the people who suffer the dictatorship of king Kiir who spared the lives of Arabs by not firing cluster bombs but destroyed the lives of his fellow citizens with the same. For those you said raped or killed by Gen Gatdet in whatever way, if you are a victim or if you know them, tell them to speak if they have the truth and you wont see me denying or confirming but to stop me expressing out my feelings of what is in my mind as the Facebook asks me and to compare my ordeal to what you didnt witness just in defence of the Juba clique, is not only provocative but adds more salt to the unhealed wounds. Stop defending an illegitimate President just because you feel he is a Dinka. The Dinka have been the victims of his misrule as his misrule as well. Withdraw yourself from the looting clique who are making the conflict to be Dinka versus Nuer just for the clique to divert general discontent. Did you hear the advice of Gen. Dau? Believe me or not, the Nuer Community has no King and doesnt adore individuals. Dr. Riek Machar knows this! People tell the leader point blank that he or she is wrong. There is no Kuom Ran(Rule of man) in the egalitarian establishment of Naath society but only Kuom Naath(Rule of the people)and you can be sure Salva is unwise to realize this! On the other issue. You said that others will lick your boots because you liberated them. This statement shows your dissatisfaction of salva Kiirs sinful era but the fact that you hate Riek Machar who has responded on behalf of citizens to challenge the dictatorship, you call it licking of the Nuer boots as you think if he liberates the country others will adore the Nuer as liberators from Juba thieves. This is not true. I want to correct one thing here. Riek Machar left for bush because he had no choice but to save his life. Just imagine, if Kiir could order his militias to kill us we who had been helping him to improve the human rights records of his government by pointing loopholes and suggesting way forward, do you think Riek would have been alive by now? Only a fool would otherwise think so. It is trite, that you must run to self defence. Yes, he has where he was born, can he be allowed to be killed like those children the fools in Bilpam command did in Juba? Imagine if I were to have guns on 16 Dec, do you think those of Kiirs militias would have found it easy to kill my relatives and chase me away like coward that day? They would have seen the impossible yaa Bolture!. On the 5 pillars of Ngun-Deng you said are fading, I dont know what you meant. However, of late, much as I puzzled of what Prophet Ngun-Deng had predicted, I am convinced that his prophecies are coming true. Most of them are happening as they are. The war to be caused by a man called Kiir was well predicted(Kiir Nyaldool bi macde bool) as Kiir of Nyaldool(name of a Bull for Kiir)will have his fire/flames seen afar and exactly, Kiirs fire is the worst than the destruction we had with the North. As a Christian, I dont tell anyone to pray to Ngundeng but I warn anyone not to ignore his prophecies. Read some of them here: thefreelibrary/More+of+Ngundengs+Prophecies+(Part+II).-a0206965972. Boltur, lets get rid of Juba evils and South Sudan shall be freely ours. You will be able to sleep in Ayod and lI shall be able to sleep in Aweil without any fear of being betrayed like cashed-boy in the likes of Mangok. Note that the Nuer even though they bear the brunt of Kampalas cluster bombs, they cannot claim supremacy. Lets unite as victims of Juba clique to work for a just nation where people of Aweil and Rumbek etc wont suffer imposition of incompetent war lords. Kiirs original sins are tormenting all communities including Dinka and if Nuers bodies keep lying on frontlines, it is not their war but happened to have it imposed on them and is not against Dinka and this is what I tell any Nuer extremist. Stop being collectively guilty but talk on evidence not hearsay on what has befallen our people in Greater Upper Nile and in Juba just because of one unreasonable man Salva kiir! For comments by Mangok Mangok, I dont argue with men who are without conscience for he is a beneficiary of loots who partakes in the destruction of Mading Aweil. I still have fresh memories of how he was destroying his Parliamentary colleagues leading to the arrest of Hon. Garang and some chiefs leave alone my former Catholic Catechist among the youth they had tortured. They are perpetual liars who even if Jesus Christ is made to be their advisor, they wont change their looting behavior. They would even accuse Christ of making a coup against their bread giver Emperor Salva Kiir and king Paul! Ma salaam yaa menhma Bolurdit!
Posted on: Tue, 03 Jun 2014 04:07:48 +0000

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