A restrictive diet will do more harm than good in the long run. - TopicsExpress


A restrictive diet will do more harm than good in the long run. Cheat meals are more of an indicator of a poor relationship with food or possible early signs of eating disorders. Moderation and balance in your dieting efforts is the key to long term success and making dieting a normal, healthy part of your lifestyle. There is no such thing as clean/dirty or good/bad foods. If you speak in such ways then it’s a dead giveaway that your knowledge of the bare basics and fundamentals of nutrition science is lacking. Being healthy isn’t just about your physical well being, but also how you are mentally and emotionally which when dieting improperly can take a significant blow. A balanced approach does not require cheat meals or days. You’ll feel like you’re cheating the system when you learn to practice moderation and flexibility in your diet and you’ll be at a healthier state. Few things are more pretentious, hypocritical, and downright annoying to me than people who act morally superior about eating ‘clean’ but then have massive binges that they try to justify as ‘cheat’ meals. Let me tell you something, severe caloric restriction followed by massive uncontrolled binging is NOT an effective long term diet solution for your health… mentally or physically. It’s a recipe for an eating disorder. FIND BALANCE! Stop attaching ‘good’ or ‘bad’ labels to food. A small amount of ‘unclean’ food isn’t going to ruin your diet if you account for it in your macronutrient intake and consume it in moderation. What kills your diet is when you consume the entire pizza followed by a carton of ice cream because you cannot stop once you start due to the way your diet has programmed you. Find balance, over time your mental health, and your physique will thank you! - Layne Norton
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 05:19:53 +0000

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