A review of our book from my great teacher and friend, Tony Smith - TopicsExpress


A review of our book from my great teacher and friend, Tony Smith PhD I am just thrilled… His way with words sends me… I have just read one of those books we encounter from time to time that will influence us for many years. I’ve never read a book like it and never expect to again. It is designed to help people do the things in life that matter to them - with energy, skill and integrity. Its voice is conversational and warm, it is masterful in its knowledge yet accessible, it is precise and thorough too. It is never boring. Co-author Kelly Poulos is a coach/consultant and trainer of some note. To many of the people she has worked with, she is considered a phenomenon. I am one of those people and I found the experience life-enhancing. Still do. Always will. She now works in Asia with Emily Liu who, judging by her reputation and her writing, is also very highly thought-of and unusually talented. What a team! Together they have written a book, Secrets to Winning ( Learn how to create a game worth playing and ten crucial conversations that ignite commitment, passion, power and action!), which is selling well in China and has now appeared in English translation. It is easily as good as the authors’ fans could have hoped for. If you want to know how to bring the best out of the people around you, this book will tell you how to do it. If you want to bring forth your own best, it will tell you how to do that. In detail. In a way that acknowledges, even celebrates, how people actually do things. You can’t read this book without learning a whole lot about human nature and how to respect it, how to coach it into shining at times and how to live in peace with life as it is. That realism is perhaps what I love best about this book. I have been a consultant and coach for many years, working with corporations, governments, non-profits and individuals. I wish this book had been available to me from the beginning. I would have worn it out and I would have given copies of it to clients. We all need this sort of guidance if we want to live well, the world needs it right now too. This book matters! And finally, I am delighted to see that so much of the extraordinary wisdom of China has made its way into this work. The Chinese understanding, for example, of what it means to be involved in a constructive relationship is profound. But the authors don’t just tell us about it, they bring the experience of it to us. A number of people have been asked to contribute a page or so of thoughts here and there and this adds enormously to the power of the book. We get to see for ourselves how a new voice can startle or engage us into breaking out of the torpor we all spend so much time in, and to actually hear something new, something that instantly generates new possibilities. This book knows how to get our attention, how to get us thinking and sensing and feeling things in a new way. It moves us to action. Now how rare is that? So grateful Tony…. Go here to learn more about him and read the best blog ever: tonysmithconsulting/
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 23:44:29 +0000

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