A rider is a list of demands given by a celebrity before they - TopicsExpress


A rider is a list of demands given by a celebrity before they agree to work. For example, Van Halen notoriously demanded that there would be a bowl of M&Ms backstage at every show, but also demanded that all the brown ones be removed. Williams also had a rider... And it will shock you more than Van Halens. Williams insisted that for every film or event he did, the producers must employee a certain number of homeless people. Williams insisted that for every film or event he did, the producers must employee a certain number of homeless people. While some celebrities insist upon expensive champagne, private jets, or imported water bottles, Robin merely wanted to help out the less fortunate. Williams was a longtime advocate for Homeless Rights. In 1990, he testified before the Senate in support of the Homeless Prevention and Revitalization Act. In his testimony he said, “The problem cannot be denied anymore… I do believe this can work in an incredible way, from a grassroots level, that the money can get to and prevent, truly prevent, homelessness. That’s where it lies. You can’t keep picking people up; you have to stop them from falling. That’s what I hope. Thank you.” Robin played a homeless man in the the 1991 film The Fisher King. The movie is known for its sensitive portrayal of mental illness and its effect on homelessness. Williams was widely praised for his role. The director, Terry Gilliam, says, “That’s also why I think his character in The Fisher King is in many ways the closest one to Robin, just that range — the madness, the damage, the pain, the sweetness, the outrageousness. That was the role I think that stretched him to the limits.” Robin Williams was an incredibly generous person. I hope this story will inspire you to do your part in helping prevent homelessness so we can keep Robins legacy alive.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 13:51:46 +0000

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