A roughly typed version of Senator Hanson Youngs speech on this - TopicsExpress


A roughly typed version of Senator Hanson Youngs speech on this terribly sad day for Australia: How on earth the government think it is appropriate to hold children as hostages in order to change fundamental pieces of legislation to grant the Minister more power for himself. I have had many debates in this place over asylum seeker and refugee policy and many of them are undignified but I must say I have never seen anything so appalling and abusive as we have seen in this place tonight. We heard from Senator Muir that he felt that he was in such a difficult position to vote between a bad and terrible bill because he was told that if he did not do what the government wanted the children would get it. He was to He was told that the only way to get these children out of detention was to pass this bill and this package. I have been saying for a number of weeks now that the Minister was using children as hostages. It was a figure of speech until tonight. Tonight we saw children on Christmas Island handed the phone number of Senator Muir to beg that Senator to let them out ... now if that isnt treating children as hostages what is it. Sociopathic - characterised by a lack of regard for the moral or legal standards of society - a master deceiver or manipulator - someone who will do whatever it takes with no regard for consequences. Minister Morrison is a socio-path who has just used children to grab the power he wants in this place tonight. I do not blame Senator Muir or any of the members of this cross bench - or any the back benchers who I know are appalled at where this governments policy is going but I do blame Minister Morrison and Tony Abbott. They have been desperate to get a win on this issue. They have done everything they could do to make it a hard moral choice for people in this place. And what is in this bill is not just a TPV is not just a new visa created to allow people to work - we know there are 7 schedules in this piece of legislation and the majority of them do exactly the opposite of helping children and their families resettle properly in this country. Minister Morrison has held children in detention for months that he could release any time . The condition inside the detention centre on Christmas Island are appalling - children have been abused, they have been raped - their parents have been raped and I am not exagerating this is what the evidence has shown. Why didnt he let the children out when they started to be abused. Why didnt he let the children out when they called and wrote and begged him to let them go to school 6 months ago. Why did he not let them out when the Human Rights commission said it was the most disgraceful children should ever be held in. Why - because he was waiting for his prime time to use them as bargaining chips. To use them as his pawns in his political play to get legislation that previously had no support in this chamber. The amendments today moved by the minister today moved by the minister to this legislation do not improve the substance of this bill. The amendments put forward in this piece of legislation do not make any real difference to the actual use of those SHEVs or TPVs despite what the cross bench has been told. There is no way that somebody can honestly believe that there is a pathway to permanency for any of the people in this 30,000 backlog. I want to address the backlog because one of the men responsible for this backlog is the very same man who has now drafted negotiated this dirty hostage situation this week and his name is Paris Aristotle. We have a backlog of 30,000 in this country because Paris Aristotle told PM Gillard that it would be a good idea to freeze the applications of asylum seekers when they arrive here. He told PM Gillard that that is how you stop the boats - stop processing peoples claims - introduce something called the no advantage rule which meant that people would not have their claims processed for 5-6 years or so. They would not even put a figure on it. So boats kept coming despite the fact that right in this place we had a debate about that exact piece of legislation that allowed for all of the recommendations that Paris Aristotle and Angus Houston wanted. We had a late night debate very similar to what is going on here. That legislation went through. The freeze occurred. The boats did not stop but boy oh boy the backlog built up. Now in 2014 - two years later - the very same person who created this problem is now in our Crossbenchers offices this week telling them you have to do something to get these children off Christmas Island. You have to do something to change the law so that the Minister can fast track their applications and please give them Temporary Protection Visas so that they have no hope of really putting down roots to rebuild their families in the country they deserve to get permanent protection in. The very same person who set these 30,000 asylum seekers and refugees up to fail from day one. It is appalling. And i want to put it on the record today that I was appalled by Senator Xenaphons speech yesterday - the praise for Paris Aristotle - who does not represent the refugee sector in this country - has no authority i this country - is a ministerial adviser and he has negotiated a hostage situation together hand in hand with Scott Morrison tonight. I want those kids off Christmas Island I want the kids of Nauru I want the people out of detention in Manus Island but I do not believe that setting 30,000 people up to fail, giving them false hope that they will get their refugee claims assessed fairly- which they wont because schedule 4 & 5 scrap the ability to ever have their claims assessed fairly. Pretend that there is a pathway to permanency when we know that the minister has said himself that it is going to be a very high bar to get there and good luck to them. These people are being sold false hope and who did the final deal but a distraught, broken, abused child on Christmas Island down the telephone to a compassionate Senator who wanted to do the right thing. He hasnt just used children as a bargaining chip, this Minister, he has sold them a false dream once more. We know that when you strip away the ability to have a genuine appeal process, to have cases reviewed, that you risk 60% of applications being marked as wrong. 60% of the children on Christmas Island to night, who will come to Australia will never get given a visa under this legislation. It doesnt matter how compromising or willing we are to try and move on and give people some form of temporary visa or a SHEV the reality is the statistics and past history and evidence shows us that 60% of those children are never going to be given a Temporary Protection Visa. This Minister is not just a sociopath - not just a grabber of power for himself who is prepared to take everything and use children to get it but he has sold Senators in this place who were trying to do the right thing a lie. Sociopaths are masters and deceivers and manipulators - well that is what we have seen here tonight - that is exactly what we have seen her tonight. I heard Mr. Palmer say tonight that he has won family reunion as part of this deal. Well I have looked through the legislation and amendments and there aint no family reunion in here. We heard that people would be able to have a pathway to permanency well it is not in there and it wont be in there for the majority who we apparently must do this for to get them off the Island. Why didnt the Minister act to get those children out of detention when he was told that the conditions were damaging them months ago. Why has he spent months attacking Gillian Triggs for standing up and saying these kids needed to be off the island and out of detention. Why didnt he act then. Because he was desperate to keep his chips in his pocket for exactly this occasion. Who would have been on the end of that phone call - distressed and crying if he has already taken all the children out. I am appalled. Many people in this country tonight would be appalled. Using children as hostages is NEVER OK and only a sociopath would do it. https://youtube/watch?v=IACpF6Nth6s&feature=youtu.be
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 13:32:33 +0000

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