A sensational speech of Alexander the Great in 324 BC, which is - TopicsExpress


A sensational speech of Alexander the Great in 324 BC, which is obviously wrong, often referred to as ... the oath of the Macedonian leader, perhaps indirectly shows who rested in the tomb castes. Or, more accurately, who could not be located in the bowels of the hill. In his Anabasis of Alexander, which was composed on the borderline between first and second AD century, the Greek writer Flavius Arrian, reproduces essentially the biography of Alexander the Great had written as his successor, Ptolemy, a work that is not saved. That part of the text that could serve as a guide to the identity of the deceased in the tomb cast delivers a moment of high dramatic tension: Alexander dismisses those of the staff officers and soldiers no longer have the moral and mental forces to continue campaign. Previously, however, the legendary Macedonian gives a lesson which should be forever changed the lives of those who heard his words. I, said Alexander picking up from my father little gold and silver vessels, or sixty talents funds, debts of Philip over five hundred talents, and after he borrowed an additional eight hundred others, starting from our country were insufficient or for pasture, right away you opened the way of the Hellespont, while the Persians were then omnipotent sea, and katanikontas with their cavalry satraps of Darius, across annexation Ionia in your own country and throughout Eolia both Phrygia and the Lydians and conquered Miletus by siege and all other parties who joined us with their will, and I got handed to you to reap and goods from Egypt and Cyrene, what is gained without a fight, owned you, and Hollow Syria and Palestine and the country between the rivers (Mesopotamia) is your property, and Babylon and Susa rods and yours, and the wealth of the Lydians and the treasures of the Persians and property of Indians and the sea outside your own, youre satraps, you generals, Brigadier-you. Following this introduction, which reminded the Macedonians who were and who were thanks to Philip, but mainly their own, Alexander the Great passed directly to himself: Why me whats more, after these labors, beyond than the purple and the diadem is here? Personally I have nothing and no one can speak for my own treasures, only for them, your own possessions, or those kept for you. Why there is no reason I store treasures for me personally, if I fed the same as you and prefer the same bed with you, and even I think that not even eat the same foods with those of you who greedily fill their belly, and to know I stay awake for you, so you too can sleep soundly. But maybe I gained all the dioikontas he uncut and without suffering, while you toil and hard time? And who of you recognizes that more tired for me than I for him? So go, and who you have wounds, let off her clothes and let the show, and Ill show you mine, why stay any part of the body has not been without trauma, nor is there a gun, or what keep them on hand or those that shoot that has not left me his whereabouts, but with a sword by hand I hurt and I accept bows and projectile machines and beaten with stones and sometimes wood was dented for you and for your glory and for your wealth, you drive between the winners of each land and sea and all the rivers and mountains and all the plains, and commit their own weddings with you and my children. And against whom there were debts, without examining in detail why they were created, while so many received as salary and so many take for yours when you were looting after the siege, all redemptions. And there are gold hoops for most of your immortal and mementos of your bravery and your reward from me. And who killed fell gloriously, and became the grand burial, and bronze statues have been honored, free from temporary taxes and any financial obligation, because, actually, none of you died falling when I lead the battles. And now I was going to send back the veterans of your enviable of your countrymen, but because you want to return all of you, we all leave and return announce that your king Alexander, who defeated the Persians and the Medes and Bactrians and sake, which captured the Ouxious and Arachotous and Dranges who subjugated them Parthyraious and Chorasmious and Hyrcania to the Caspian sea, which crossed the Caucasus across the Caspian gates, that he passed the Oxo Tana River and even the Indus River not passed none other than Dionysus and the Hydaspes and Akesini and Ydraoti, and would pass and the fabric if you do not react, and proceeded to the great sea, and the two ports of the Indian, and crossed the Gedrosia desert, where no one ever went there earlier with an army, and won the passage of Carmania and penalize the country, and to leave him and go, handing it to katanikimenous barbarians to the guard. Perhaps these will be glory for you by the people and (considered) loyal course, when the announce. Get out. While the information on the actual excavation Hill castes not enriched and not renewed the investigation of the third or Red pre-chamber paused to complete tasks shore up the mystery surrounding the identity of the deceased continues to torment historians and archaeologists. One of the questions, academic currently set, if it could be one of the makers of Alexander, one of those who heard the fiery speech of the King in Chief, to construct for himself-or was dedicated to him by others-a tomb like this hill castes. Which of the generals would return to Macedonia, with the preaching of Alexander the Great still sounding in the ears of and ordered the construction of a funerary monument that would operate as Exhibit mataidoxias forever and ever? Even the cult-hate relationship maintained by officers and soldiers with their charismatic leader, Alexander, hardly allowing them to paravgoun with burial in opulence-especially if he never returned to the fatherland. Therefore, the size of a tomb as that of Amphipolis, could be justified only by a very insolent and disrespectful descendants of Alexander the Great, but rather who was left in the rear as a deputy or successor (Antipater, Cassander, etc.). Or, the dimensions of the grave can be explained by the great number of dead to whom he has dedicated the monument. If you apply these speculations, the plausibility of the version that the Caste Hill is buried admiral Nearchus, rather weakens.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 09:05:16 +0000

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