A sharp assessment from Neil Clark of why Barack Obama is as good - TopicsExpress


A sharp assessment from Neil Clark of why Barack Obama is as good a president as we can ever expect from a fundamentally corrupt US political system. Clark: Neocons may call him a ‘wimp’, but The President Who Would Rather Play Golf is exactly what the Empire has needed over the past few years. It has needed a front man who doesn’t appear to like war, but who nevertheless keeps on coming back for more. He’s someone who talks the language of peace and conflict resolution, and not interfering in other nations’ affairs, but who still works, like presidents before him, to enforce “regime change” on governments that the US elite wants toppled. Those who believed Obama would be radically different to Bush showed a breathtaking naivety regarding the power of the US military-industrial complex and the huge influence that the pro-Israel lobby, Saudi Arabia, and the Arab oil states have on US foreign policy. Even if he had really wanted to “stop the war,” Obama would have been unable to do so as he’s no more than the pilot of an imperial juggernaut whose controls have already been set, and which purposely has no reverse gear. As bad as he’s been from an anti-war viewpoint, the really depressing thing is that there were, and are, no better alternatives – as the system simply won’t allow it. rt/op-edge/190580-obama-coffee-military-operation-syria/#
Posted on: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 22:27:29 +0000

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