A short lesson on Value, discovered as I was buried in daily - TopicsExpress


A short lesson on Value, discovered as I was buried in daily emails: So, I have spent a little time in the past few mornings, going through my emails, where I typically delete stuff in my inbox that isnt relevant to me on a daily basis. All the environmental groups that ask me constantly for money. All the political groups and cause based groups that want me to sign petitions. All the things that basically take up my time, but because I am not in a position to give right now, are not helpful. Im unsubscribing from almost all of them. Its taking a bit of time, but one by one, they are going down. This saves me time, saves them the hassle of counting me as one of their members, etc and frees up my energy to focus on what I am trying to do. But each day, there is one group or org that, when I went to unsubscribe, I just couldnt. Do you want to know why? Because out of the 15 or more that I did delete, this group actually produced material, emails, newsletters that I got VALUE from. They took the time to produce and offer material and content that was relevant to me. It inspired me. It offered me something, rather than just begged me for my money, and it didnt try to scare me constantly into writing a check. Value is where its at. The people in those organizations are going to be the first to get my donations when I am able. I might even give some this year, just because. Value to your community. Its the secret ingredient. Thanks for my teachers, friends and coaches. You all rock! Shanda Sumpter, Zsuzsa Novak, Mara Glazer, Jeanmarie Bills, Michelle Van Otten, Darrin Bentley, Eben Pagan, Summer McStravick and Karie Lynn Millspaugh.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Nov 2014 19:06:40 +0000

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