A short report on the conundrum behind universe/s existing. What I - TopicsExpress


A short report on the conundrum behind universe/s existing. What I am about to show you here is the mysterious aliens and universe/s and how it works ,this documentation is user friendly you will have a better understanding share to the entire World to help mankind you will not find this anywere That only Class 4 abductee myself or unless your people like Benedict or one of those. So without further do One of the most intriguing ideas to enter Universe/s. To even consider this idea, you would have to accept that there is more than one chamber ..of void-black space holding stars, suns, dark matter and our combinations of lesser light in our space that defines space and time as one Universe. This would presume that the void of space is a closed system meaning Closed like a jar of liquid closed located in something far more grander than man has imagined before. Under the most popular ideas behind quantum physics, the two best theories have to do with.... 1) Each Universe being a closed system ,where matter can not escape each Universe and were each Universe is chained together in a string or clumbed together in a large cluster. How large? It could be infinite in scope. 2) Each Universe occupies the same space as ours, but their quantum signatures never touch each other and so they pass through each other like ghosts, yet all that is contained in each Universe is real to each object in that Universe because it all operates in the same quantum signature of light making for one unified reality. In option 1, going to and from each Universe could be a form of energy conduit, like a vascular system in the body, that connects energy to each Universe which is always being reused, reshaped, reformed or recycled. This lines up with the law of the conservation of energy no less. This would explain the white holes and black holes we are seeing through the Hubble telescope these days which future exploration might confirm as reality one day. None of us will be alive when that happens as far as our current time period is concerned. So for now, this is all scientific theory to date or just a postulation. The number 1 options is easier to explain than the number 2 option. Just imagine an ocean full of bubbles and each bubble a Universe located inside the ocean. Each bubble holds zillions of stars and planets and galaxies and so forth with all the bubbles connected forming some kind of structure. What kind of structure? No one knows. We are too small a creature to be able to explore such a structure with our current forms of travel, but the Hubble telescope is showing a lattice of structures as the heavens are being scoped by our computers to get some idea of what that lattice is all about. We seem to be part of a very large organized structure too. If God has a leg, then perhaps we are a small cell on Gods knee somewhere? Im being humorous of course. But it still makes you have to wonder what the blueprint of it all is all about? Where this is structure, ....there is always a blue print. Always there is a mind ..behind the creation of the structure in other words. The number 2 option can be explained to the layman in very simple terms. Imagine this Universe we are in as a matrix of light, ...dark space and all, as though it were hooked up to a dimmer switch connected to all light possible with that light being a formless ocean of light it all came from and is floating inside of? As the void of space was formed, the light reduced its intensity to become one expression of the planets, suns, solar systems, galaxies .....and such. With each turn of the dimmer knob, the light intensity ...was reduced ,and so its quantum signature lessened in strength, ..making it impossible for the points in one Universe to touch the points in the next step down on the dimmer dial. How many possible Universes can you express in the same space using this technique? Well, quite a lot.... In fact, an almost infinite number of Universes could exist in the same space, all paying out their stories of past, present and future, while not any one of them disturbing the other.... unless a rift or tear between quantum signatures happened: .....Then a possible portal ..might appear between two different Universes existing in the same space. This would be a different kind of conduit connecting Universes in Option 2 vs the kind of Universes in Option 1. After a while you d begin to think the whole thing was like Swiss cheese no less with holes going almost anywhere you wanted to go, providing you knew how to access those portals. I realize that three dimensional time appears to be an illusion ...from this perspective and in truth, it is when you consider that all structure is more space than energy or atomic material when it comes to the lattice structure of what you see all around you. Even the atom is mostly 90% space with only a very small part of it being a structure that defines it. Still there are all the differing types of electro-magnetic fields that make the atom work like it does and yet even those forces would be translucent to the same atom, if it were being expressed in many Universes. Even the movement of Saturns upper atmosphere suggests inter-dimentional happenings going on with the cloud formations which is intriguing. A lot is obviously being covered up even by NASA these days as information has been leaking out over the decades. You cant blame them from holding it back when they themselves cant make heads or tails over the things they are discovering along the way in our local solar system alone. There is a basic particle to the Universe/s They are the basic particles of the light you see in death and they are inter-dimentional you should know. To know this is to suggest that atoms ..could be inter-dimentional as well. This is easy enough to prove as a conundrum no less if accept that the Universe is not infinitesimal but is indeed finite at the smallest level possible. That means all that is around you is truly real, but part of something grander in terms of structure and quantum physics at the level of the Periodic Chart of Elements.. The laws in one quantum signature would make anything living in that quantum signature real ..to itself and all objects formed of the same quantum signature, but not to the other Universes. In short, if you consider yourself a spiritual being interfacing with the body.. you are in, you can only have contact to the reality around you,.. providing you have the body that has the same quantum signature, as the Universe you are currently in. Once out of your body, you lose hold of your control in this Universe, ..because you have lost the body.. that had the same quantum structure.. as the Universe you were in. What we are all a part of is so intricately complex,... it would humble you to know your troubles dont amount to a hill of beans next to that complexity which our is trying to explore and understand. This is the place where and religion will one day meet I might add. The current day science that explores this conundrum is a new and no longer science fiction as it was 50 years ago. Much still has yet to be learned of course, but the avenues of logic have opened up to man in the past 50 years and Im presenting some of those lines of thought, in ways you can understand, without going into the complex physics of this thing Many new books have come out on the math behind all of this too over the decades, but this sort of gets your feet wet with the topic at least. Option 2 of sorts, the idea of many universes existing inside the same space, but with different quantum signatures ...and the variables that control those signatures. That article entitled MULTI-VERSE makes it clear that if key energy sources are changed, the dynamics of the Universe itself changes, but what if all those Universes where separated by unseen barriers of energy or walls that augment quantum light as we know it?.. Then they would be able to exist as a woven garment of sorts made out of light, in a sense, all separate from each other, but made out of the same one light source which is what God is in Gods true formlessness, as pure light and consciousness. Christians call this formless light the Holy Spirit or Entire Spirit of God, if my insights will be passed along in the ripple effect in life to help mankind out. I was shown God is this infinite ocean of light ..and consciousness .and more than capable of becoming all of this Im describing which is.. Man is on the right track with this thing. Should give you some idea that a flesh brain is nothing to Gods understanding to make or to control or command. Our bodies are nothing for the light to create. All the light can do is think,.. feel.. and create, you should know as it explores itself for ever and we are all a part of that infinite exploration of the light. Our actions would be ridiculously predictable to such a being who became all things possible. Still, this multi-verses and parallel universe/s it is a fledgling right now and staggering to the mind to even conceive so much. So if you felt small before, this should make you feel even smaller. Makes me all the more think of that passage in the Holy Bible where King David asked; What is man oh Lord that you are mindful of him??? Still understanding these quantum laws of possibility can open up new doors of exploration that could benefit all of mankind in the fields of medicine, agriculture, horticulture and so much more that enhances life, not death, not to mention synthetic AI. https://youtube/watch?v=17jymDn0W6U
Posted on: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 13:10:40 +0000

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