A sickle cell life story Ms. Kalpana Kumari 25 - TopicsExpress


A sickle cell life story Ms. Kalpana Kumari 25 Years Chattisgarh, India Ms. Kalpana Kumari (name changed), a 25-year- old student from Chattisgarh (India) had been suffering from Sickle Cell Anemia (SCA) since birth. A serious, congenital blood disorder, SCA had deteriorated her condition so much that she was not able to get up from the bed. She had severe pain in the feet and joints and x-rays revealed scratches on her bones. Her consistently low hemoglobin (on an average 4 or 5 mg/dl) had caused high levels of weakness and debility over time. What is Sickle Cell Anemia? Sickle Cell Anemia (SCA), known as Janmabal Pravrut Vyadhi in Ayurveda, is recessive genetic blood disorder in which the red blood cells assume an abnormal sickle-like shape. The fragile, sickle-shaped cells deliver less oxygen to the bodys tissues and may even interrupt healthy blood flow. SCA is an inherited, life-long condition and people who have it are born with it. The major symptoms of this disease include chronic fatigue, severe anemia, pain, leg ulcers, damage to the eye, inflammation of the hands and feet, chronic lung infections, etc. The patient was taking allopathic medicines off and on to keep her condition in control. However, her situation was getting worse by the day. On a friend’s recommendation, she called the Jiva TeleMedicine Center to seek Ayurvedic consultation for her condition. The Problem When Ms. Kalpana contacted sowparnika ayurveda, one of our doctors studied her medical history comprehensively, including her complete physical and mind examination. The analysis of her case revealed that her body tissues (dhatus) had not developed properly. Known as dhatu pushti in Ayurveda, in her case, it meant her rasa dhatu (nutrient plasma) was not able to properly support the formation of rakta dhatu (blood), resulting in the incoherent shapes of her Red Blood Cells. Also, due to inadequate nutrition, there was some obstruction in her rasa vahi srotas (nutrient- carrying channels), which hampered hemoglobin production in her body. The Treatment SCA is a congenital defect and therefore does not have a permanent cure. Hence, our main objective in this case was to help the patient live a normal life. Jiva’s line of treatment focused on: • Dhatu Pushti Chikitsa – Treatment to strengthen her body tissues and assist formation of hemoglobin through herbal medicines • Sroto Shodhan Chikitsa – Treatment to cleanse her body channels of ama (toxins) so that the nutrient plasma could flow properly • Rasayana Chikitsa – Rejuvenative treatment aimed at improving her energy levels and maintaining overall health The patient was recommended a customized diet plan that included more of green leafy vegetables and seasonal fruits. The Result After nine months of takingsowparnika medicines and following our customized diet plan, Ms. Kalpana felt a remarkable improvement in her condition. In the first three months itself, her joint pains reduced considerably and the bone x-rays did not show scratches any more. In the next six months, her debility had completely disappeared and she was feeling a lot more energetic. Additionally, her hemoglobin level also showed an increase. The patient is now fully cured and leading a happy life
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 11:01:43 +0000

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