A simple protest- in favours of OUR healers It was evening time. - TopicsExpress


A simple protest- in favours of OUR healers It was evening time. I was enjoying the evening tea with my maternal uncle. There was a flow of unclassified gossips blowing around. Suddenly with any reference uncle commented boldly “Do you think the doctors of our Tripura are doctors? They are incapable to treat the animals even, they are murderers” we all have noticed this type of comments many times in life in many different ways, in different words. But every time the meaning was same. Every time they questioned our doctors…. It was nothing new but today the throw of those words brought a squall inside. It was so because may be now I learnt to understand, learnt to think logically, may be I learnt not to believe what mass says, but to believe what is truth, what is logical. Today I didn’t say uncle a single word against it. Coz I know it will just worsen up the clash. And that’s the reason I am putting my thoughts, my logics in front of you all, in front of the society… please do think once. If any where you think I am wondering in the wrong path, than introducing me right one is your responsibility. You are free enough to share what you think, your logics. We the denizens of Tripura have a misconception in our subconscious that our doctors of the state are lacking in medical knowledge. They are incapable of treating even simple medical cases. But is this the reality? Is it the truth? Or the reality had the other side too, that have not being unwrapped in front of the mass? To discuss about it lets start from the basics…. Let’s first know how an ideal doctor treats the patients. Before treating any patient it is mandatory for him to diagnose the patient of their disease/disorder. Every time it’s not possible to diagnose the disease just merely depending on the sings and symptoms of the patients. Patient’s environment, background, professions, behavior, dressings, place of living, even religion many times helps a doctor to proceed toward his differential diagnosis. There are lots of more requirements a doctor need for a complete diagnosis. 1) When we visit a doctor for the first time, initially the doctor notice our gait, our dress, behavior, bonding with attendee, our speech etc. this small negligible points some time plays a vital role in the differential diagnosis. But when there is a long queue of patient waiting outside the room, and a doctor had to treat each one in the limited time frame, when the numbers of doctors are extremely insufficient in respect to the requirement, at those moments does the doctor on duty have time to notice, time to think deeply, time to analyze those above mentioned sings and symptoms? The answer is generally no. here is the staring of the first mistake. But friends do you think it’s the fault of our doctors? Or it’s our fault that we cannot provide sufficient doctors to our hospitals? Is it not our fault to expect our doctors to be perfect each time in treating in spite of that much extreme pressure on them? Are they really GOD then? Or else it will not be possible. I don’t know the answer; I don’t want to know the answer. I just want you to think once over the matter. Our doctor brothers are too human beings. We should never forget that. 2) Secondly a doctor requires some special investigations to confirm or diagnose a disease. Based on the results of those diagnostic tests he plans the treatment procedure. And then the treatment starts. If the doctors don’t have the facility of those investigations then they are bound to treat the patients guessing the results. Coz maximum patient cannot afford going to other state for treatment. Thus it’s the second mistake. Coz it’s a treatment of uncertainty. *) In whole Tripura there in just one or two MRI machines. And that’s too a 1.5 tesla machine only. Where as much more detailed pictures can be given by higher resolution machines. As results many cases of neurology, neurosurgery, and orthopedics etc where more detailed pictures are required, cannot be treated appropriately. *) Some blood tests are very much essential some time for planning the treatment of a patient. Many of those typical blood tests should be done by a hematologist only. Just not blood tests many blood related disorders such as hemophilia etc also requires a hematologist for treating. But the fact is that our state doesn’t have even a single hematologist. Doctors of biochemistry, pathology, and microbiology are only performing those investigations. Thus there is another fault. *) In spite of having two full-fledged medical colleges there are no facility nuclear medicine investigations. Thus different diseases of the internal organs like kidney, liver, etc cannot be diagnosed properly. *) In spite of the growing number of nephrology patients there is still no facility of DTPA, MCUG, DSMA etc important investigations. *) There is also no facility of angioplasty, open heart bypass, valve replacement etc and other cardiac procedures. Recently a private multi specialty hospital had started the facility but the results are still not up to the mark. *) Where other part of the country is running after the most appropriate and less invasive robotic surgery it is still a dream for the people of Tripura. These are mere examples only. There are many more such facilities of which our doctors are deprived off. Doctors of out state when uses these technologies to diagnose to treat, in the same time our doctors are using their knowledge, their experience to diagnose and treat. Thus friend you only decide who are really capable of getting encouragements? But instead of that our doctors are getting discourage, insults etc. are our doctors responsible for that? Or are we? 3) Thirdly we don’t have even specialist doctors in every hospital. Maximum hospitals are running with general practitioner only. Even the district hospitals are lacking in specialist doctors. In such a scenario it’s totally illogical to expect super-specialist doctors in our hospitals. In fact the main hospital of the state does not have even a single full time super specialist doctor. Friends here its time for us to have a little concept about the specialty branches of medical science. Medical graduate MBBS Medical specialty MD Surgical specialty MS Medical super-specialty DM Surgical super-specialty Mch Nephrology, neurology, cardiology, endocrinology, gastroenterology etc are medical super specialty subjects where as urology, neuro-surgery, cardio vascular and thoracic surgery, gastro-surgery etc are super specialty surgery subjects. But in our state medicine specialist and even the medical graduate need to treat the cardiology, neurology, nephrology etc super specialty branches. We are making them bound to treat these disease. Coz we are unable to provide the super specialist to our hospitals. Same is in the case of surgeries. 4) Friends please put a bit pressure on your memory to see that when last time you have been asked to came for review from APOLLO, CMC, AIIMS etc after 3 months, 6 months, have you visited there again? Maximum answer is yes. Coz you took their words seriously. But are you doing the same when a local doctor suggests you the same? The majority of the answer will be no. coz some where deep inside we believe in their incapability. Exceptions are there. I agree. I am just talking about all those general patients. This happens especially when the diseases are not causing any discomfort. But the maximum deadly diseases are silent killers that we should not forget. Thus there also I don’t find any mistakes of our doctors. 5) Our doctors are working in distant rural places. They are working there every day. The go on treating the sick with out even noticing their discomforts. They go on working really very hard and that does too with out any complain. They go on trying to save the life of the patient till the last minute. But what they get in return? Attacks on hospitals? Kicks? Punches? Slaps? Have you ever read any article in daily about how much hard work a doctors are doing in bringing a patient back from the steps of death? Does any one praise them ever? Are they not humans? Does they didn’t require encouragement? It’s a matter we should think over when we are silent. I don’t disagree there are some doctors with wrong motives or wrong attitude ao wrong way of treating. But just for those few persons why the total medical system should be questioned? VEBE BOLUN TO AMADRE TRIPURAR DOCTOR VAI DER KI SHUDHU E TIROSHKAR E PRAPYO?
Posted on: Fri, 30 Aug 2013 11:22:54 +0000

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