A slim chance helped spinal injury victim bounce back Local - TopicsExpress


A slim chance helped spinal injury victim bounce back Local resident and Slimming World consultant speaks of her life-changing weight loss journey and her passion to help others change their lives. Anna Mangan had always been fit and healthy leading a very active lifestyle. After 3 years at university and doing nothing but eating and drinking Anna weight had piled on desperate to do something about it she joined Slimming World and went from a size 18 to a size 10 in time for her graduation. Absolutely overjoyed by her new found slim figure Anna had so much more confidence and loved life to the full. Sadly, the pull of full time work and living away from her partner Anna stopped attending her Slimming World group and over a few years gained all her weight back and more. In the back of her head she always knew the weight was creeping back on and that she needed to do something about it but somehow it never happened. But very sadly one sunny afternoon in 2009 Annas life changed in a split second, sustaining a spinal injury on a childrens trampoline resulting in her being confined to bed and having to give up work. She said “when you cant move and all you can do is lie in bed watching TV, food becomes a source of comfort. Chocolate and cake would momentarily make me feel better, but then the guilt would set in an it was a vicious cycle” After trying every medical intervention available to her Anna was told that at 29 she would never be able to go back to work or become pregnant as her spine could not cope, on over 30 tablets a day to deal with the constant pain. Visiting doctors all over the country in the hope of finding something to stop her agonising pain and maybe one day lead a normal life, she came across an amazing doctor at a London hospital who said he could operate. A new surgical technique was being used and she would be a good candidate but she would have to lose weight to undergo the procedure, as there was no way they could operate on her at the weight she was. Desperate to get her life back and go back to work and one day have children Anna was terrified, not sure that she had the mental or physical strength to lose weight. After breaking down and sobbing her partner reminded her about her success at Slimming World, terrified at the prospect of going back as she felt she had let herself go, Anna went on to the Slimming World website and found that there were seven Slimming World groups locally. She said “I sat in the car park of six groups, watching these happy smiling faces going in and out, but I just had visions of Little Britain’s mock diet club instructor Marjorie Dawes. I was scared I would be humiliated , but one afternoon something snapped and my friend and I walked in the door of the seventh group.” Anna vows that joining her local group in August 2010 changed her life for the better, as she went on to lose enough weight to have major spinal surgery in 2011. Anna credits the very generous Food Optmising plan for her success “suddenly that binge eater was put in a box, I could have a homemade curry, tonnes of Slimming World chips, a ‘Full English’, I was never hungry and I still got to have chocolate every day.” Now nearly 3 years on for her surgery Anna is well and active and still continuing to lose weight, she was so inspired by the help and support she got from her group and consultant that she decided that she too wanted to help people who needed to lose weight. “I got my life back after losing weight, I have my mobility back, I can go on to have children something I thought might never happen, and thats all because of Slimming World, the amazing Extra Easy plan and the support and help of my consultant and group. My consultant believed in me when no one else did, not even myself. Anna now runs four groups in Chorlton and due their amazing success is opening another one on Saturday 6th September at 9.30 September at St Clements Church in Chorlton says “I love my job so much, seeing people change in front of you, their dreams coming true, their health getting better and their confidence growing is priceless. We are in an obesity crisis in the UK with children and young people at the most terrifying risk of health complications because of their weight. I want people to know that to lose weight they dont have to drink shakes or fast two days a week. Our doors are always open, anyone can follow the plan, if you’re pregnant, breast feeding or have children between 11 and 15 the whole family really can do it together.” If you would like to find out more about Slimming World and their eating plans please go to slimmimgworld Or call Anna on 07977493313
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 10:01:04 +0000

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