[A small assortment of miscellaneous things Ive written in - TopicsExpress


[A small assortment of miscellaneous things Ive written in messages tonight collected here for the potential amusement of casual readers. Unedited nor corrected, but selected for content and annotated. Additions, notes, and annotations in brackets.] - - - Les do walking meat this round. We can has ice wall and fish ceiling nother tiem. :) Walking meat = more photo +, And, its cooler now, warmer later- so, we can has indoor ice wall/ fish above on warmer day. IZ DAT EXCITED K, IS WALKING MEAT SUFFICIENT = TO ICE WALZ? :O (lol, ... between the two.. I thinks you slight + the walking meat? oO) (yez, I think you + the walking meat jus fine? :s oh noes! wat if u dun! -.. .... NAWH MAYNE, EVARYBUDY LOVES THE WALKIN MEATS.. TICKETS ATTEMPT ARE A GOHE..) [[talking with a friend about a potential day trip to southern California; I was asking her preference between the California Science Center and the Los Angeles Zoo. Shes been looking forward to putting her camera through its paces, and I posited that perhaps the zoo might be more amiable towards that purpose. I also brought up that if were meaning to go on a potential multiple of these trips, that the cooler current weather may lend itself more so to enjoyment outdoors now, and warmer weather in coming weeks to indoor pursuits later. I was wondering about her preference before purchasing the tickets, but it wasnt particularly of concern anyhow- as the busing destination is the same and the decision can be left open. :) None the less, I came to a conclusion that she might perhaps prefer the zoo. : p ]] - - - BAI-ING THE DIS WEEK THE WEDNESDAY 9TH TICKETS NAWH! :O WAT WAT ~! WAN TO HOPS ON BOARD DA 20$ TRAIN (but its a bus) TO SKID ROW WID USSSS? (u kno u in skid row when youre in the urine.. xs ) -1- MINUTE TO PURCESE...! :O (I e-yell because I care.. ) ( xp ) (-if anyone uses caps and tries to tell you that its because they care , they are most likely not being fully truthful with you. :l ) [[Speaking with a second friend about perhaps joining us on our trip. Regarding the downtown area know as Skid Row; when Skye and I were there a few weeks ago, the area was, indeed, notable to us for a pervasive odor that is not unlikely to be of urine.]] - - - Im reading a Los Angeles travel guide, and, ECONOMY MEATS!! YEASH. :O SO YEASH!!! :D (lol, but no.. the Grand Central Market is written as Here on the ground floor of a 1905 beaux-arts building, where architect Frank Lloyd Wright once kept an office, you can stroll along the sawdust-sprinkled aisles beneath old-timey ceiling fans and neon signs, past stalls piled high with produce, and plenty of lunch counters for snacking on ceviche, shawarma or chicken soup. ) Lol, Ian- I saw the pic and quick-thought, oh, lol, a bit like a mexi- Seattles Pike Place Market :p SKYE CAN YOU HAS HANDLE ALL THE ECONOMY MEATS??? [[The Grand Central Market does look quite interesting and appealing a destination indeed. -To note, I have never been there, and on glancing through the website, I believe its a well more multi--cultural shopping experience than my initial two second glance and following statement may have implied. I look forward to enjoying the experience. :) I shall include the travel guides photograph in the comments.]] - - - [[When asked about ECONOMY MEATS!!]] (lol, theres a neon cow in the upper left of the photo that glowingly states, on its meaty neon side, Economy MEATS. I found it a fixture of amusement for myself. ^_^ In literalness though- there shouldnt be any, like, bargain meats threat or onslaught or what not.. :p :) ) [[Let us All hope my words turn out to be Accurate..! /:P ]] - - - -so then? shall we rough plan mean to meander to the ECONOMY MEATS MARKET for some Eggsluts and Shawarma Ceviche Soup or some such on our way to transit for the zoo..? :) (This trip is sounding enjoyable already. :) -IAN I AM SPEAKING FOR YOU TOO BECAUSE I BELIEVE I AM NOT INCORRECT IN SAYING THAT YOU RATHER ENJOY EGG SANDWICHES - PARTICULARLY WHILE ENJOYING A DAVID TENANT INDIE UKELELE CONCERT AT THE BEEKEEPER DRESSED GOATS IN TINY HOMES & TINY CARS CONSERVATORY!) [[I was going through the offerings of the market, and was surprised when I came by a place of the name Eggsluts. I mentioned my surprise in message, and Skye stated I hear that place is Amazing. The pictures found online are not unsupportive of that possibility.. :) Ian and I Do enjoy a well put together simple sandwich. :) ]] - - - [[Lol.. so, thats a Tiny look into the confusing, caps-locked, misspelled world of Aaron communications on certain nights.. On other nights, my raw communications may Actually be Hard to read/understand..! /;p Ahaha, anyhow, Have a good night yall. :) ]]
Posted on: Sun, 06 Apr 2014 06:37:10 +0000

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