A smile a wave a promise of a someday we will be family real - TopicsExpress


A smile a wave a promise of a someday we will be family real family once again...This is a perfect photo to go with what I wrote today>>> There is no process development without integrity at the helm. WE are fish out of water until we can agree upon a strategic plan of excellence that meets the needs of all of our collective interests within our family ties that bind us together, it’s just that simple. WE are so passed the tiff for taff hub of sonic bees wax for lack of a better four letter expressive inserted here. Profanity has no place in innovation but is sure does help most of humanity let off steam just like an overheating engine that is out of water and oil. So the importance of not judging one another by our faults too harshly is imperative to unity. WE are all works in progress and thankfully the good Lord is not finished with any of us yet. Thankfully we do not all blow a head gasket on the same day or we individually have enough destructive energy within our cells to cause quite a pile up of paper work that know one has the time or energy to attempt to sort out. Living for the greater good of one another starts with respecting one another. This can only be achieved by having rules and regulations that are truly fair and reflects clearly actual common sense. Unity starts with not selecting the few at the top brass to bypass regulatory violations. The pride of yester-year has for far too long brought selfish monetary gains which lead to complacency and greed leaving no concern for our family. This is no longer acceptable behavior and shall not be tolerated. To be expelled for cheating lying or deceiving means nothing to someone that does not understand the value of a hard earned education to begin with. Fraternity before integrity honesty and family is no fraternity at all. Rather a varying range of misbehavior birthed in ego of entitlement. Selfish grown men refusing to repent and get their lives right with our God of love and endless mercy has to end. It endangers our families it breaks down moral it poisons the very air we breathe like a farm filled with wild animals out to feed only themselves. The continuing crisis in government education and our places of worship has been created by a stubborn mischief nature of the naughty boy afraid to admit he has his hand caught in the cookie jar. There is no room for a Napoleon or a Hitler mentality past or present within our family ranks. To become a real trustworthy and accomplished leader of integrity one must first understand the heart of a servant and be willing to serve our people not rule over them by causing fear and tyranny. There is no right of entitlement because who your daddy is unless the entire team begins to understand we are all children of our Heavenly Father. A loyal trustworthy dad who is not nor shall ever be a respecter of persons. Loving each of us unconditionally just as we are. Simply because he created each one of us he knows and sees and has total faith in each of his children’s full potential. For each of us are all so very special and each is an equivalent to a work of art beyond compare. Bringing out the best in one another is the greatest pay it forward asset that any of us could ever hope to obtain. A degree is only as effective as the passion filled purpose behind ones service to our God of love and our fellowman. Neither God or man respects just a piece of paper hanging on the wall. They do however admire leaders that lead by example with true substance of character who have earned their degrees. Doing what one loves to do for all the right reasons in and of itself brings its own reward. Living a life with passion for excellence for the greater good brings inner peace and joy. Filling the air with positive loving spirit is contagious in a very great way. When we do what we love we are free to express in motion a soul song of goodness and light. It is our authentic individual voice that brings the positive energy flow into fruition that anything and everything is possible if we believe take action and work together as family. Then with just a simple smile and a knowing wave our abstract and varying ways of authentic fingerprints of expression help to transform and transmit all that is good faster than the speed of light. Each amazing beautiful smile is an abstract beauty in motion completing the masterpiece that our loving Creator intended for all of humanity since the beginning of time. Peace on earth good will toward man. Love is a beautiful thing and one smile at a time we can create a world of love with every smile and wave that we share. One team touchdown for honesty and integrity is a win for everyone family know that.
Posted on: Mon, 26 Aug 2013 20:17:01 +0000

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