A sneak peak at the 2nd chapter of my 20+ year-the-making - TopicsExpress


A sneak peak at the 2nd chapter of my 20+ year-the-making Masterpiece... Children of the Caluminati chapter 2 As the bright afternoon sun radiantly glistened off of Madison Spirit Dancers naked body, she felt completely at ease. She had bathed in this river her whole life, and though the Cherokee had long since abandoned the old ways, the people of her small village clung to them as best they could in this modern world. Still, Madison hungered for adventure and every so often would use her spirit walking ability to see the world through the eyes of the animals of the forest. She enjoyed taking control of an eagle and soaring over the town nearby or racing through the trees in the body of a limber little squirrel. As she finished washing her body, she was contemplating another such excursion when she noticed she was being watched. It was just the merest of movements in the trees, but enough to alert Madison to her voyeur. She had a pretty good idea who it was too, without using her psychic abilities. And it was time she taught them a lesson. Without giving away the fact that she knew she was being watched, Madison continued to bathe herself. When she had finished, she made her way to the bank, smiling and humming softly. Suddenly a soft shimmering glow surrounded engulfed her whole body and she faded away into nothingness. But it was not for long before her spirit made its way into the nearby trees. Madisons onlookers heart sunk when he saw her fade into nothingness. Her spirit walking abilities were well known amongst their people. He began to back away from the tree line, found himself immobilized. And then he heard her voice...inside of his head. Billy, did you like what you saw? Did you enjoy watching me naked?! Madison asked while her spirit took complete control over the young Cherokees muscled frame. There was a brief moment of resistance and then he was hers completely. By possessing him, she had complete access to his memories, his personality and his abilities. Like Madison, Billy had special gifts or what the white eyes would call super powers. She could see how he desperately wanted to be apart of that world, dress in colorful costumes and be a so called superhero. Although Madison already knew that these were Billys desires, she had never realized how much he yearned for this. What was even more surprising was that the only thing keeping him anchored to their small village...was her. Since they were children, she always knew he cared for her, his constant teasing a sure sign of that Earth Mother assured her. And this is what made Madison tease Billy: when her spirit self entered someones body the two began to merge as she slowly began to become them. It was always an incredible effort to maintain her sense of self as the memories, desires, idiosyncratic ticks and mannerisms of those she possessed knew the vessel far better then she. But she had been practicing on the wide array of creatures that populated the forest around her small village. Though not far off, the modern world went about its day to day, the land her people managed to hold onto since before the first pirate stepped off a boat and claimed land for some far away monarch, remained untouched. This allowed Madison to share souls with beast as large as elk, wolves and occasionally majestic brown bear behemoths. She would soar with swallows on the morning updrafts and swim with salmon in the bustling streams when it was warm at high noon. Billy, or Sentinel as he insisted, was no salmon. As she made her way up the wide winding worn down path back to the main village, a particularly wicked idea crept into her/their head: if Sentinel enjoyed watching her naked without her permission so much, then how would he like it if he was seen naked without HIS permission...BY THE WHOLE VILLAGE!!! Now Madisons gifts allowed her to share the wheel as it was, basically allowing those whom she possessed full awareness of what she was doing with their body. She had also become strong enough through her rigorous practicing, to repress their awareness completely. She found this aspect of her powers most useful when helping Earth Mother with a difficult birth. In her village, there was no modern medicine or technology, so Madison would take over during the long hours of child birth that some times stretched to many days. However, Madison could reach into someones essence and bring out their full potential; she could find their greatest strengths and use their natural abilities to their ultimate zenith.
Posted on: Sat, 08 Mar 2014 02:32:29 +0000

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