A song made me remided me of da good all days.da PPS days. Da days - TopicsExpress


A song made me remided me of da good all days.da PPS days. Da days wen Lovis Leuya Shimbulu and I would fight becoz of sumthing stupid like ,if da water is cold or warm ? and play right after I win da fight. Da days wer I would go with Valentina Missy Haufiku for da weekend to her house and watch TV all weekend long.and her mom feeding me all weekend .she ciuldnt understand how sumone is so tiny . The day wer Tulimo Uushona would beat me for getting 8/10 in maths test wen we studied together and we both suppose to get 10/10. Wer eva Shinavene abd I shared all we had..Helena Amutenya always celebrated our birthday with fresh bread from shoprite and butter. Were aunty Hileni Amadhila made sure i had the basic necessities wen leaving home on Sunday after an out weekend. Wer aunty Alisa Hangula made sure Mkwana Kashima brought me bread every Tuesday ko hostel....I got da best education ever.i thank God for a loving,caring and blessed family...my primary school friends (too many too mention) you guys remain in my heart coz our hostel strughle and hussle was real and thats something we will always share. I am who I am today becoz of the pipol in my life.. God bless them all... Struggle was real and taught me a lot . The days of struggling are over...thats a page in my history book.. Im grateful..
Posted on: Fri, 18 Jul 2014 19:31:06 +0000

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