A special Agent from the FBI and a HUD Inspector General Agent - TopicsExpress


A special Agent from the FBI and a HUD Inspector General Agent have been assigned to investigate the information that was previously sent to the Department of Justice and HUD. Other developments have also occurred since then. They have that as well as my letter to the FBI, Public Corruption Squad in July. That was sent via US mail and was about an inch or so thick of notes, documents, emails and contact information. I talked with them last week. I would say that from here it will be whatever it is, once they complete their investigation. I sent the email below as a close and thanks for their help and investigating what has happened to our city. From: Tom Soltes [mailto:tjsoltes@hotmail] Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2014 20:57 Subject: Thank You Mike This is the last email that I have to send you. It is not one string but different emails between myself and others. They may be part of other emails that I have sent to you, I’m not sure. I do apologize if any of what I sent to you is repetitive, I just want to make sure that you get all the info that you need to look into what has been going on. If there is something that is confusing or you need some clarification on it, just let me know. I know it is a lot to absorb and sort through and may take you some time. My objective at this point is that someone with the right authority seriously looks into what others have told me and the documents I have found along with any other information you may gleam from what I have sent to you. You all will have to make the decision on what if any law was violated. It certainly looks suspicious to me. My goal is just to get a comfort level that this is in the right hands and being looked into and investigated. That outcome will be whatever it is. I would just like to know and get some reassurance that something is being done and the matter is being investigated by the right people. One last thing I want to say. That is my opinion of all of this. The way I look at it, is what I previously said, it is whatever it is. I never really set out to prove anything. It was my hope to get people together and talk about alternatives to destroying an historic building that has a significant, emotional tie to the community in my hometown. I was quite surprised that neither the church nor the city wanted to talk about. To me it seemed like a very reasonable request to explore alternatives to demolishing the church. Their silence just drove my curiosity and it spoke volumes to me. That got me to look deeper and as I said on the phone, it was like peeling an onion and under each layer I found a lemon that led to more questions. I have many more emails and messages from the community on this effort and what the church has meant to them and their families. I did not think that they had a direct impact on the facts as they were emotionally charged with the personal impact on the churches destruction. There are also those that have commentary on the local city and county government that I have not included in what was sent. I have researched things as best I could and reached a point that I do not have the authority or power, if you will, to get anymore answers. Then it became a matter of finding the right people who have that authority. The county and the state said they are not interested as it is outside of their jurisdiction which left me the only option being the DOJ and Inspector General of HUD. That led me to the FBI. There are things that look very suspicious to me and some appear to be outright fraud but someone at the right authority level will have to make that decision. All I want to do is point out what I found and let the authorities do the rest. I do believe that Beaver Falls is the way it is today because there are a small number of people who made a lot of money getting it there. That was done at the expense of others in the community and they want to keep it right where it is. That is all conjecture and opinion on my part. There is a lot of smoke there which leads me to believe that a fire is burning somewhere in the city and in Beaver County. My opinion is also that Mike Veon was only the tip of the iceberg. I will also tell you that I am just amazed at the wealth one can accumulate in the “non-profit” business world. Regards, Tom Soltes
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 22:44:16 +0000

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