A spiritual snapshot I have gone astray like a lost sheep; seek - TopicsExpress


A spiritual snapshot I have gone astray like a lost sheep; seek Your servant, for I do not forget Your commandments. Psalms 119:176 (NKJV) Its fascinating that Psalm 119 ends on this particular note because it really encapsulates the life of the believer in so many ways. Three important and distinct elements of the Christian walk are recognized here. First, theres the recognition of our sin. I have gone astray like a lost sheep. Make no mistake, in order to know God a person must also know he or she is a sinner. They cant think of themselves as a good person. Nothing could be further from the truth of Gods Word, which tells us that we are all born into a terminal spiritual condition as sinners. We must own this as a fact, for it is the first step in the journey of a Christian. Second, theres the recognition of Gods grace. Seek your servant. We are the sheep that goes astray, but God is the Shepherd who seeks us out. Thats a picture of grace, which by definition is the unmerited favor towards the undeserving. As sinners who have gone astray, we definitely dont deserve what the Shepherd of our Souls does. He graciously goes after us, pursues us, calls out to us, finds us, and carries us back to the fold in His arms. Thirdly, theres the recognition of our response. For I do not forget Your commandments. After seeing our sin and being touched by Gods grace, theres bound to be a response in us—a response of obedience. This doesnt mean we become perfect and sinless. It represents our desire to live according to Gods commandments, to do things His way instead of our own. From our first convicting awareness of our sin to our ongoing desire to obey the Lord, this single verse is a spiritual snapshot of our Christian journey—a journey that is tended and overseen by our Good Shepherd. Thank you Lord, for being our Shepherd. May we always stay close to You as we remember Your commandments. Think about it… What does this passage reveal to me about God? What does this passage reveal to me about myself? Based on this, what changes do I need to make? What is my prayer for today?
Posted on: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 17:03:07 +0000

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