A story from Winterfell....part 3......Rodrik Upon return to the - TopicsExpress


A story from Winterfell....part 3......Rodrik Upon return to the keep Martyn immediately sought his brother and found him on a rough bench beneath a tree, honing the edge of his great sword. “Rodrik, have you some time?” “Always Martyn, have a seat.” Martyn sat on the bench next to Rodrik and searched for the words to explain his unusual dilemma without betraying his lord. “I need your sage counsel on a matter; Lord Stark has asked a favor of me and I am inclined to accept, but I would value your opinion before I do. Mikken’s young niece is newly with child and rather than see the girl disgraced and alone somewhere with a bastard…..Well, my lord has proposed that I wed the girl and claim the babe as mine.” Rodrik had already set aside his sword, now he stared at his broken brother, as his quick mind processed Martyn’s quiet words. “Who fathered the child? I’ve seen the girl, her name is Ameena and every unwed man and half the married ones are in love with her. She dotes on the Stark children and is a happy, kind soul. This news surprises me, since she seems such an innocent.” Martyn had carefully thought through the answer to that question. “The girl refuses to say who the father is, despite Old Nan’s best attempts to find out. This has greatly shamed her, less than a few people know of it, and I would keep it that way. If I agree to do this, the child shall be mine, and mine alone and he will carry my last name.” Rodrik nodded, “You know I would never betray you. How many years have you dreamed of children, and I know enough of Ameena and of who you once were, to believe she is a good match for you Martyn. It grieves me to see the ghost you have become over the last year. Even if not for yourself, give this girl and her baby your protection and name and I think you will come to love them dearly.” Martyn stood, “I had almost agreed yesterday, but wanted to speak to you first. Rodrik, this is the last time this matter is to be spoken of, to anyone.” His brother smiled “Agreed, and my congratulations brother.” Martyn nodded and turned away to find Lord Stark.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Jul 2013 11:51:13 +0000

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