A story from the war of independence ..... A young man of 22 - TopicsExpress


A story from the war of independence ..... A young man of 22 years wrote some letters to his near and dear ones before he attained martyrdom in the British jail.... reading those letters Subhash Chandra was of the opinion... these are not letters..these shows the great vision for life.... Desh pays her tribute to Sri Dinesh Gupta, one of the great soldiers of war of independence.... Parijat Sen wrote this historical story about the great soul based on some historical facts stated in the book AMI SUBHSH BOLCHI by Sri Sailesh Dey... Subhash had the recent edition of the monthly magazine Benu on his lap but his mind was hardly on the words. Tears flowed down like incessant rain betraying the toughness the future commander of the Azad Hind Fauj was known for. As his elder brother Saratchandra stepped into the room, he was quite surprised to see his brother in such a state. A gentle hand on his shoulder, he asks Is everything alright? Subhash wiped his eyes and uttered Was going through the writings of Dinesh, Dinesh Gupta. The maturity, the philosophy at such a tender age...unbelievable! Dinesh had written to his Boudi (sister in law) Us Indians are known to be religious, to the extent of being intolerant and dogmatic. We think not twice to seclude human beings in the name of religion and caste, rendering them untouchables. Is such religious attitude worth preserving? In the hope of paradise, we do not hesitate to turn this world into a living hell, all in the name of religion. Standing at the doorstep of inevitable death, it pains me to see the true face of religion in my country. Subhash flipped the pages and stopped at another letter Dinesh wrote to his sister. We often underestimate the power of love. Yet when we try to analyse some of the most selfless acts around us we realize love lies at the root of all such endeavors.Love teaches us selflessnes, it teaches us sacrfiice and when we fail to let love take precedence, our selfish motives bind us down. Subhash pauses Our veteran leaders address these young boys as reckless, misguided youth yet the depth of their thoughts, their understanding of philosophy, their souls purified in the fire of sacrifice has set examples before the nation. If this be the reflection of todays youth then how I wish we all follow their footsteps. As Subhash left the room, Sarat became slightly unmindful. His mind raced back to his days with the Bengal volunteers in 1928. These three kids were all members of the same organisation. Dinesh Gupta born on December 6, 1911 cut an impressive figure in his early days with the Bengal Volunteers. At the organisations instruction, he left his hometown Dhaka to take admission in Midnapore College. Thanks to his tremendous organisational skills, in no time did the Midnapore branch of Bengal Volunteers start to flourish. Soon enough, the top brass of Bengal Volunteers had chalked out a daring plan. A plan that aimed to strike deep into the heart of British rule, an attack on Writers building, a colossal symbol of British Imperialism in India. Three young boys were given the enormous responsibility of this daunting task. Under the leadership of Benoy Bose, Dinesh Gupta and Badal Gupta were all set to carry out the mission. Fate may have it, all three hailed from neighbouring villages in the Dhaka Division. Saratchandras car stopped at Dalhousie Square traffic. As he glanced at the Writers building images of the fateful day ran through his mind. The target was Jailer Simpson, a typical officer of the British cadre who favored brutality over other tools of negotiation. Even Subhash Chandra hadnt been spared by this sadist officer who the organisation was now determined to teach a lesson along with the rest of the Empire. On December 8, 1930 three fearless boys opened fire in Writers building. There was massive confusion as everyone ran helter skelter to save their life. Unable to control the situation, the high commission had to summon the Gorkha Regiment of the British India Army and it marked the beginning of an agonizingly long battle in the corridors . Dinesh was struck but that could hardly deter any of them. Finally the age old problem struck and the boys ran out of ammunition. All three locked themselves up in a room and swallowed a cyanide capsule as planned ahead. To ensure their success, enoy and Dinesh also shot themselves with their last cartridges but that only prevented the cyanide capsules from breaking properly. Badal died on spot while the other two were carried to medical College Kolkata. Benoy collapsed in the wards of Eden Building (the spot is commemorated by a plaque) but Dinesh was on the road to recovery with timely intervention. Finally, a courtroom drama was staged and Dinesh was sentenced to the gallows. Subhash had the fortune of a brief encounter with Dinesh though he was kept in custody in confinement withing the condemned cell. Subhash, in prison at the same time had arranged for a Saraswati Puja within the barracks and Dinesh was allowed to be brought out of his cell for a couple of hours. In the early hours of July 7, 1931 Dinesh breathed his last and joined the illustrious ranks of Indias misguided extremists. However, his effect was far reaching. His ideals, expressed in his last letters had managed to move the likes of Subhashchandra. He wrote The one who has the courage and integrity to embrace the greater good can never stay away from the call of his duty. No mortal force can ever bind him down from achieving the final goal. Dinesh had truly responded to his calling and his death was hardly the end. The Midnapore branch of Bengal Volunteers was in full flow and Bimal Dasgupta an exponent of such had shot down Officer Peddy a few days before Dinesh sentence. the fire had caught and was spreading all over the nation. More and more youths were ready to jump into the fire and through self sacrifice free their motherland.... Saratchandras car stopped before the courthouse and broke his trance. He closes his eyes and wishes that these youth be not forgotten by the forthcoming generations. let their names not be etched merely on commemorative plaques or roads. Let the trio and like rise above the mere christening of B-B-D into the nations collective conscience. Let them be examples to the future generation who gave their today for a better tomorrow.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 16:27:33 +0000

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