A story that must be told.... We went to Pike Place Market after - TopicsExpress


A story that must be told.... We went to Pike Place Market after visiting the Washington State Bar association...to achieve long too suppressed need for justice. By the way, I cant believe the WASBA took on my case; very rare. I never would have imagined possible... So, cutie pie walked down the street with me through Pike place market...she was sooo tired. I carried her on my side and back...checked out the cheese shop. One lady melted when Caitlin screamed, CHEESE!!!! She fell on one of the steep streets and I got an incredible cuddle...snagged some selfish selfies. Then off to talk to some of the artists....so much fun. We bought some over priced crab cocktail from the flying fish people. So, much fun and worth the money. Wish we had the cash for a giant salmon..the chorus and toss...it happens so fast! Then, the most beautiful moment ever... Here comes my racism...sorry white friends... So, were walking back to our car. Grumpy white folk asking for spare change or none at all...just glaring...or playing music and passed...and glared at as though I had the nerve to stop and enjoy without filling their guitar case... Unknown to them they just provided a donation to a fellow friend in poverty and entertained a beautiful artistic angel of a brainiac child. So, we thank them over and over. Well. Here is the beauty and tragedy. On our way back to the car was a beautiful black man selling newspapers for a $1 more than the local boxes. Well, Caitlin was tired and tantruming. I had to pick her up and carry her upside down accross the street. We walked past this man fast...mostly due to my fear of being asked for funds I couldnt spare for one of many kindly offering services, like a photo of mother and daughter with their camera...if only I had change to spare. The trip to Seattle was on borrowed money... Well...the news paper guy... Caitlins hollering accross the street..white folks covered from head to foot in wool felt, glaring,...not only ignore the man on the corner, but my whaling baby girl. We make it across before the red hand stops blinking. High nosed white folks staring at my white socks..finally dawns on me Im wearing white socks with black pants and shoes. Who cares! I was warmer than the alternative! Well..this AWESOME black man standing on the corner selling newspapers a $1 more than the nearest newsstand belted out the MOST AMAZING RUDOLPH THE RED NOSE RIENDEER EVER! There I am carrying Caitlin upside down across major intersection...who stopped screaming just to hear this man cut loose...dance and song...big stage style. WISH A CASTING DIRECTOR would hire me as a scout! Moments like this fall upon me. . Now, I have a baby girl. And as he blasted into the second verse tapping in dance, I recalled the black man earlier who asked me for a quarter to take a picture of me and my baby. I told him we were in a similar boat. He said, God bless...and tell Daddy I said God bless. And that newspaper man owned that street corner like it was the Carnegie Hall! And Caitlin hung upside down in complete awe. I owe that man more than the Frozen doll or telescope/ microscope I bought my baby girl at Wal Mart on black Thursday/ Thanksgiving/her birthday. If Anyone sees him at 4th and Union selling papers... Please, help him out, and tell him he sang Rudolph the Red nose Reindeer to a special little girl that will always remember that amazing performer.... One of those moments you wish you had a million a and one bucks. And am I racist! Yeah! I noticed the ugly difference. The white folks in that part of Seattle were apathetic... None of those white white sock obsessed people said one kind word... the BEAUTIFUL GODESS of a woman with two babies Caitlins age who took the time to support me while I was racing to beat the parking garage clock with a sceaming child who wanted to ride the escalator...there just wasnt time. She had an AMAZING weave. A woman with two kids in a double stroller...telling me it could be worse. When one of hers stops the other starts. Am I racist. YES! Show me a white person who casually interferes to parent your child! Rare! The Russian woman who told Caitlin how to use her glass blown hair ware, knowing I didnt have money to buy any, the middle eastern woman that didnt mind Caitlin running pell mell through her incense clouded shop, the Asian woman who smiled and laughed with me as I suggested we try her origami framed originals at home while Caitlin screamed she didnt like it. Not one white person in their wool felt coats gave us the time of day. Even for the holidays. We teach white guilt. Does it effect me? Yes! And It makes me SAD! Stop,teaching WHITE GUILT. My shame in that moment is hugger I am didnt go plant one on that wonderful man! Experience the magic of Christmas on the corner of 4th and Union! Life is short. I wish I wish everyone could see the world Caitlin and I live in! Art...theres no value to place on it and it is given so freely. Not one pic of the guy on 4th and Union! What the heck... Friggin white guilt crap! I should have filmed it! That guilt a I was taught by a white man who rode he freedom train from Selma Alabama and marched with Martin Luther King Jr, makes me an ass. Unteach racis...and that extreme horrible white guilt that tops a mother from hugging a man that puts n a Broadway worthy performance for her cranky baby girl.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 05:52:45 +0000

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