A story which honestly made me think about my personal knowledge - TopicsExpress


A story which honestly made me think about my personal knowledge in Islam. My dear friend used to be in madrassa a few years back and he remembers, his head teacher at the madrassa told him a story. So the teacher was talking about the importance of understanding Islam and Quranic text. One day the teacher was sitting in his office when a husband and wife visited him. They were concerned about their child who was very naughty/bad and they said that the child was making the couples life very hard. So the teacher was asking them questions about the child and finally the teacher says, what is your childs name? The husband and wife reply and say Iblis! The teacher confused by the response, thinking they did not hear his question correctly, says sorry what is your sons name? They again repeat Iblis. The teacher is now shocked and says why would you name your son after the devil? The parents were now shocked and confused thinking the devil, they look at the teacher and say but its a name in the Quran! The teacher looks at the couple and says change his name immediately and InshaaAllah he will be fine. This was not a one off incident. The teacher said to my friend, another married couple came with the same problem, this time the different married couple named their son Firawn SubhanAllah. See when I heard this story I had mixed emotions, but not once did I blame the parents. I will tell you why. There are many of us who just read the Arabic text and never understand the Quran, reading the words not understanding that we are reading, we will go to Quran class as children learn alif, ba, ta, thaa etc and just never understand what we are fully reading, this is my experience anyway, eventually I went further and further away from Islam. Islam should be the most important part of our lives. Just like we want that degree, we should want to master the Arabic language and brothers and sisters please understand I am giving this advice to myself first. We are the ones who will make that change InshaaAllah and Alhamdullilah changes are being made. But we have to prioritize Islam first in our daily lives. When this happens, the world will be a better place, I feel this in my heart InshaaAllah. The examples are many. Look at people who understand even just a little of Islam, they become amazing, kind, supportive, compassionate and generous people Alhamdullilah. My personal journey coming back into Islam heavily involved me reading the Quran in English and I was completely amazed and filled with joy from the words in the Quran and now think the English translation is nothing compared to the original Arabic text. The English translation affected my life so positively, I was thinking then and still think now how amazing and miraculous the Arabic text is. As a believer of this beautiful religion it is my duty and it is your duty to understand the profound text of the noble Quran. I give this advice to myself first, we as Muslims have to understand what we are reading when we read the Quran. That is why Arabic must become a necessity for us to learn, because it will directly affect the ummah in a positive way InshaaAllah. My mission for a year now has been to learn Arabic and Quranic Arabic InshaaAllah. This has always been a goal of mine ever since I started practicing Islam to be honest. My advice to any parents reading this status, get your kids to learn Arabic from now, because learning a language as a child is easier SubhanAllah. May Almighty ALLAH (subhanahu wa taala) allow us to understand His religion in the beautiful way it should be understood Ameen. Also going back to my story of the teacher and the parents, the name changes changed the childrens behavior for the good Alhamdullilah.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Nov 2014 14:01:18 +0000

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