A strange and penetrating silence descended on the immediate area - TopicsExpress


A strange and penetrating silence descended on the immediate area of the battlefield after the hideous cacophony of the explosion that had enveloped the Autobot command area which was punctuated only by the distant sounds of rumbling artillery and the whip crack of laser fire filtering in from other parts of the war torn sector. The pair of Seekers, the last remnants of the once legendary blue company, did not wait to see if the desperate plan had accomplished the goal of annihilating the enemy. They each stood amongst the ruins of the breastwork, covered in black scorch marks and peeling paint from the sheer violence of the daisy chained explosions and levered themselves over the partition behind which they had sought refuge during the conflagration. Their optics were met with a blackened deathscape, a charred slaughterhouse of liquefied Autobots each caught in a macabre pose of structurally annealed exodermal armor, dissolved optics, and igneous death. It was a mockery of the once vibrant life that had pervaded the planet before the Second Cybertronian War, but it was a cost that the Decepticons were willing to pay for sovereignty. Thundercracker panned his cranial case across the scene with grim satisfaction, ignoring the pitiful grinding of actuators of and plaintive calls for mercy from those enemy who had escaped stasis lock only to emerge into a nightmare of scorched hydraulics and melted datastacks. Casualty numbers and statistics scrolled across the Seeker’s field of vision in tight white script; and it was quickly apparent that the sacrifice of his company had purchased a major blow against the Iaconian army unit he had been arrayed against. Among the dead were Solus Delta, and Autobot Commander who had ruthlessly put down several insurrection attempts in the gilded city of Iacon itself; proclaiming that any in his city that had sympathy for the Kaoni would be unceremoniously tossed into the slag pits. Skyrunner was also present, his burnt out chassis furrowed and folded under the hololithic tactical table on which they had been planning their next assault on the Decepticons. The idiotic coward had thought that the thin sliver of plascrete would protect him from the unrelenting Armageddon of the blaswave. He held a special place of contempt in Thundercracker’s spark core, as he was an Autobot Air Commander, second in rank only to the pretender Silverbolt in Autobot air operation command. Along with the high ranking husks were dozens upon dozens of frontline troopers who had thrown their allegiance in with those who still clung to the slave brand, many of them still smoldering as the remnants of the fire cooked off the fuel in their internal lines, causing iridescent glows to form here and there among the blackened dead. In the estimation of the azure warrior, they had earned their horrific deaths for being blindly obedient to the dogma of the Primes, trading their own freedom for a sense of security. On the periphery of the blast were those who had not been utterly consumed by the heat, and had only suffered concussive and shrapnel damage. Without being ordered to do so, Vermillion began the bleak task of delivering the Mercy of Megatron to those that still partially functioned, a single shell from one of his arm mounted cannons into their cerebral core. The total dead from the operation was over a hundred, a fitting butcher’s bill for the loss of his command, but it would likely not be enough to stave off the ungentle ministrations of those uninformed fops in High Command who casually ordered mechs to their deaths without ever having set mechaped on a battlefield. ||Command Cipher Alpha 343.66.1g, This is Thundercracker, have achieved objective Tau. Casualties heavy, enemy dead complete. Awaiting evac.||
Posted on: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 23:29:56 +0000

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