A study done by Susan Hackinson, ScD, of Harvard Medical School, - TopicsExpress


A study done by Susan Hackinson, ScD, of Harvard Medical School, has showed that this hormone increases the risk of developing breast cancer seven-fold in women under 50… and that it increases a man’s risk of developing prostate cancer nine-fold. Dr. Jenny Pompilio, a physician with Kaiser Permanente in Oregon says: “It’s been known for years that this particular hormone is linked with cancers effects on the endocrine system.” Now, if you’re like me, you’re probably asking yourself: “how in the hell has the FDA approved this?” You would think that, after approving it, the FDA would at least slap a label on rBST milk saying something like “warning: could cause cancer.” But that’s not what happened. Dairies that use this dangerous hormone don’t even have to disclose that information to consumers. And the FDA didn’t stop at forbidding GM labeling… It went one step further. In 1994 they wrote a regulation requiring that any food label describing the product as bovine growth hormone free must also include these words: “The FDA has determined no significant difference has been shown between milk derived from rBST and non rBST treated cows” So, the FDA basically restricted dairies that didn’t use the hormone from pointing out that their milk was different from the genetically modified kind. Maybe you’ve seen this statement on your jug of milk. And since it comes from the FDA, I bet you believed in it… like I did. But did you know that this rBST statement has never been verified by either Monsanto or FDA studies? If a private company had made such statement, it would be charged with fraud. And it gets worse… the FDA consistently covered up warnings from its own scientists about the health hazards of GMOs. The details are buried inside 44,000 pages of FDA’s internal files. I’ll reveal the content of these documents in a moment. First, it’s important that you understand that the approval of rBST reveals… One of the Biggest Government Lies: “The Food We Eat is Safe” You see, the FDA didn’t perform any kind of testing in regards to rBST. FDA official John Scheid later admitted to the Associated Press that the agency based their approval simply on a summary provided by Monsanto. Former FDA veterinarian Richard Burroughs, who was a lead reviewer in this hormone’s approval process, said the drug “was approved prematurely without adequate information”… and that “the whole rBST thing was bad science and bad regulation.” The European Union even investigated the FDA’s faulty approval process and concluded that the hormone’s safety had never been proved. Canadian scientists also analyzed the FDA’s approval process and wrote a lengthy and scathing report. If you google “Gaps Analysis Report”, you can read it online. The report recounted omissions, contradictions, weaknesses, and gaps in the FDAs approval process. It concluded that… “The required long-term studies to ascertain human safety were NOT conducted. Hence, the risk of sterility, infertility, birth defects, cancer and immunological disorder was not addressed.” Are you starting to see how dangerous this food scandal is? Thanks to the FDA, you may have unknowingly drunk countless glasses of a dangerous substance… or poured it into bowls of cereal for your children and grandchildren. And, to this date, the agency continues to allow milk from cows treated with rBST. Unless it’s labeled organic or “rBST free”, everything in the dairy section of your grocery store, including yogurt and cheese, probably includes milk from cows injected with this hormone. Unfortunately, milk is just the tip of the iceberg. With the help of the FDA, GMOs have spread throughout our food supply. It’s virtually everywhere. The obvious question is… why would the FDA put Americans at risk? Well, it turns out the Deputy Commissioner for Policy at the FDA in 1993 had strong links to Monsanto. He had worked for the company, before joining the FDA. In fact, after helping secure the approval of rBST, he went back to Monsanto to work as its Vice President for public policy. Today, he’s once again at the FDA, working closely with the Obama administration on food safety. You can’t make this stuff up. And over the past two decades, the FDA has been doing everything it can to keep us in the dark… to keep us from finding out how dangerous GM foods really are. As a result… We’ve All Become Unwitting Guinea Pigs In An Experiment of Massive Proportions Take soybeans, for example. Scientists took genes from bacteria and inserted into the DNA of soy, creating a new kind of crop that can withstand mega doses of an herbicide called Roundup. They call it Roundup-ready soy… and it accounts for 94% of soybeans in the U.S. So, farmers can spray these crops as often as they like. The herbicide will kill all weeds, but leave the soy plants intact. This is great because the farmers who buy Roundup-ready soy also have to buy Roundup, which is the company’s best-selling herbicide. As you can probably imagine, this scheme is very lucrative for biotech companies. The only problem is that new studies show that GM soy can be dangerous to your health. You might say “but I don’t eat a lot of soy products, so what’s the big deal?” Well, did you know soy is in a thousand places we might never expect it, usually in the form of “vegetable oil”? You’ll find it in salad dressings, soups, and imitation meat products. In fact, if you or anyone in your family eats any kind of processed food, such as cereals, cookies, cakes, chips, crackers, muffins, mac n’ cheese, chicken nuggets, it’s very likely you’re eating genetically modified soy. And numerous studies with animals have showed that…
Posted on: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 07:32:42 +0000

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