A stunning repudiation in the Senate today of a wholly iniquitous - TopicsExpress


A stunning repudiation in the Senate today of a wholly iniquitous higher education policy. Any parent with young children not likely to be rolling in clover come retirement better understand the dark forces the LNP openly represent for your kids future. As the absolute shite under our collective boots they, the Liberal Party of Australia, are nothing but the political arm of the IPA and vested corporate interest groups. Congratulations to Mssrs Lazarus, Lambie, Xenophon, to the Greens too and begrudgingly to Labor. To the piss off and die brigade add Mad Max Party senator Ricky Muir [turd] Also in support of the governments bill add crossbench senators Bob Day [Family First], John Madigan [?] and David Leyonhjelm [Lib Democrat] who also voted for the changes. Trojan horses aplenty. Screw you treacherous scum. Apologies to Jacqui Lambie [at the moment].
Posted on: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 09:28:07 +0000

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