A suspected bomber on Friday abandoned a bomb-laden pick-up - TopicsExpress


A suspected bomber on Friday abandoned a bomb-laden pick-up vehicle at a police check point on the Gombe-Biu road. The suspect fled to an unknown destination after a failed attempt to detonate the improvised explosive devices at the check point. An eyewitness told the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) at the scene on Friday that the suspected bomber had concealed the devices with bags of maize, house utensils, beddings and other items. He was said to be driving from Gombe to Dadin Kowa-Biu. According to the witness, the suspect first attempted to bribe the policeman at the Dutsen Kura check point near Dadin Kowa in Yamaltu/Deba Local government Area of Gombe State. He said the police man on duty refused the bribe and insisted that he should park his van for checking. The source said at that point, the suspected bomber rammed the vehicle into one of the drums filled with sand which was used as a barricade, apparently for the devices to explode. He said that on realising that the items did not explode, the suspect rushed out of the vehicle and fled into the bush. The suspect had earlier beaten two other police check points on the Gombe-Biu road before he ran out of luck. Briefing newsmen at the scene, the Public Relations Officer (PPRO) of the Gombe Police Command, Mr Fwaje Atajiri, said the suspect had fled to an unknown destination. Atajiri, a deputy superintendent of police, assured the people that the police were investigating the incident. He showed newsmen the vehicle with registration number, MUS 104 BR (Lagos), which was used by the suspect to convey the items. The items include five cylinders, bags of maize, a timed wall clock, house utensils and five jerry cans of fuel. He said the household utensils were used as a cover while the fuel was to enhance inflammation when the devices exploded. The spokesman said the anti-bomb personnel of the command cordoned off the place and diffused the devices. He advised the public to be vigilant and inform the police of any suspicious persons or items to enable them to swing into action. Meanwhile, the Commissioner of Police in the state, Mr Kudu Nma, has called on traders, mechanics, painters and other stakeholders to be vigilant and report suspects to the police. Nma made the call during a meeting with traders, mechanics and painters in his office in Gombe on Friday. He said as dealers in mechanical items, nuts and other related items, they should be more alert and report persons whom they suspected to be buying items used in making such devices. According to him, the command will not rest on its oars in ensuring that the state is rid of all criminal activities.
Posted on: Sat, 17 Jan 2015 11:01:33 +0000

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