A taster from, DIary of a Sissy, issue 31 curtesy of Sissy - TopicsExpress


A taster from, DIary of a Sissy, issue 31 curtesy of Sissy Slave. "Diary of a Sissy" Dear Enslaved, Some time ago my MISTRESS commanded me to keep a diary where i would record my “development” into a complete and utter SISSY. As with all of my MISTRESS’ commands, i immediately set to work without thinking, not realizing at the time that My MISTRESS would eventu- ally force me to make the diary public. She recently did order me to send it to you and, of course, i complied at once. What i am sending thus far is a record of how we arrived in the middle of our journey as SHE drives me more and more into a state of absolute dependence on HER. As i look back over our life together, i am both humil- iated and exhilarated, as much as a totally lesser person can be. One thing i can say for certain is that in taking absolute control of my life, my MISTRESS has taken me to a place i could never have gotten to on my own. i’ve learned i have no right to do anything but to obey HER commands – which i do unhesitatingly, although there was a time early in our life together, when my MIS- TRESS had to FACE-SIT me daily, making it impossible for me to breathe without HER generosity in lifting HER body from my face. Sometimes SHE would hold HER hand very hard on my mouth and nose and with HER other hand SHE would squeeze my tiny balls as if SHE were squeezing grapes! SHE would say that SHE alone would take me to the SISSY-WORLD i needed to reach and, of course, i could only nod my head to agree with her. i have come to learn that a SISSY has no right at all to do anything but follow where MISTRESS leads. From the time SHE captured me, MISTRESS insisted i start wearing SISSY clothes. i was happy – very happy – to do as MISTRESS said. For years i had dreamed about coming out as a SISSY but i didn’t have my dreams become a reality – thanks to MISTRESS – until I had retired from work and marriage. MISTRESS started my transformation almost simultaneously with my retire- ment. With this transformation MISTRESS completely con- trolled my life – so despite my occasional questions which MISTRESS so brutally put down – SHE put me on the cor- rect path to the totally SISSY life. On those rare occasions when i feel like running away i remember that MISTRESS will certainly run me down and bring me back for especially severe punishment. SHE has such complete control of my puny cock and balls and my delicate ass, SHE can do whatever SHE wants to do with me.
Posted on: Wed, 14 Aug 2013 21:08:45 +0000

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