A testimonial from a - TopicsExpress


A testimonial from a FlyBaby shop.flylady.net/pages/FlyShop_OIBCOJ.asp Dear Flylady, Im terrible about writing Thank Yous. I never know what to say. But today, I felt I had to send one to you. Nothing particularly spectacular happened in the last day--but thats exactly the point. Last night, I got home from work, and had a note in my daily planner to start a load of dark laundry. I was surprised at how small of a load I had to do, since darks are usually my largest loads, but I ran it anyway. Thank you for teaching me to do a load a day, to keep up with laundry. Also in my planner was a note that I needed to print a map to a friends new house because Im visiting her after work today. Along with that, was a note that I had box tops to take to her (she collects them for the local schools). I took the 5 minutes needed to print the map and directions, look them over so I understood where I was going, and put the box tops in my car. Thank you for teaching me about doing things the night/day before. In the past, I would have been scrambling to gather those items together the next morning. Another note in my daily planner was one I had been putting off a few days: do my monthly tasks. I had time to do them, so I opened my Control Journal, and looked at the list of things I need to do at the end of each month. Some were already done, but some were not, and some were things that I would have forgotten to do, if they were not there on the list. Thank you for teaching me to create a Control Journal with these lists, so I dont HAVE to remember them--I just have to remember to check the monthly list (much easier!) I took care of a few other things that I needed to do last night, all of which I had written down in my daily planner. Thank you for teaching me HOW to USE a planner/calendar! Strange as it may sound, I had no clue before your emails and instructions on checking the calendar. Now, heres the kicker: This morning, I overslept, and woke up very late for work. In the past, this would have been a total disaster, especially with the plans to visit my friend after work. Except.... My work clothes were clean and ready to go. They werent laid out (oops! *blush*), but I didnt have to hunt for them. I knew exactly what I was wearing and where it was. Theres that Thank You for laundry again. I got me ready for work, and grabbed my lunch on the way out the door, because I had packed it the night before, as part of my After Work/Before Bed Routine. I didnt have to worry about the cats, because I also filled their food and water dishes last night. Thank You again, for teaching me about Before Bed Routines. I just jumped in the car, which already had everything I needed for work and the visit to my friends place afterwards, and drove to work. In the past, this would have been a nightmare. I would have been rooting all over, trying to find clean work clothes (and grumbling because they werent done). I would have had to buy an expensive (less healthy) lunch at work, because I forgot to pack one. I would have scrambled to get the box tops, and feed the cats before leaving, and I would have been horribly late to work! So Thank You, FlyLady and Crew, for my morning that was UNeventful! Ohio FlyBaby.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Nov 2014 19:15:01 +0000

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