A thought for your day from my Spiritual Seed-Thoughts blog: Turn - TopicsExpress


A thought for your day from my Spiritual Seed-Thoughts blog: Turn Your Breakdowns into Break-THROUGHS! In the physical world, things are in a continuous process of wearing out and falling into disrepair. Appliances break down, computers and other electronics become obsolete almost more quickly than they can be replaced. Cars get old and are sent to the junk-yard where they continue to disintegrate into rusted shells. Bodies age and crumble, succumbing to the toll of years. On the face of it, everything seems to be subject to entropy –the inherent tendency of things to spiral downward into chaos and disorder. And that’s just the physical stuff! What about breakdowns in our mental and emotional health after a traumatic experience — a devastating medical diagnosis, an adverse ruling in a lawsuit, a difficult divorce, the unexpected loss of a loved one, the sudden termination of a job or revenue stream we had looked to for security in our later years? Are these events the end of the road? Is it all downhill from this point or is there an upside to all of the seeming negativity? I want to suggest that there is, indeed, a bright side, a transformative aspect to all that we encounter, one that may be hidden from us at the time we are going through the harsh experience. In the larger sense, the disintegration or even complete dissolution of life as we have known it is actually an old order falling apart to make way for a new, higher and more satisfying one. Because we know as metaphysicians that the Source of Life is Good, that everything happens for our growth and greater blessings, (even though that is the last thing that seems to be taking place when we are in the midst of the apparent chaos), we can begin to begin to view breakdowns – in whatever guise they may present themselves — as the dis-integration or breaking apart of old states of being, the dismantling of old structures in consciousness, in order that we may break THROUGH to greater wisdom and understanding, harmony and order. The egg shell has to crack in order for the chick to emerge. We are the chicks and we’re all in the process of emerging from the shells of confinement, limitation and seeming fragility to new and higher levels of our being! Today let’s affirm: I gently and willingly release everything that is no longer a divine part of my life. I lovingly attract everything that IS a Divine part of my life NOW! July 2013 © April Moncrieff and Spiritual Seed-Thoughts, 2013. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited.↑
Posted on: Thu, 01 Aug 2013 01:25:27 +0000

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