A thought that seems to be clarified nearly on a daily bases, - TopicsExpress


A thought that seems to be clarified nearly on a daily bases, something that is leading me as a source of inner turmoil ... then that turmoil suddenly went away, replaced by calm and understanding. No longer a inner fight wishing or hoping I was going insane rather then insanity....but this thought. Geared more to fellow vets, I want to asked a question, but before I do; I understand that even we are misguided because of a constant hammering of propaganda. I would ask that prior to reading this you bring up a site that has a consolidated list of propaganda techniques and print them out. When you read my question and explanation of thought, if you suddenly are compelled to rope me into a title, or nimble minded conspiracy fruitcake, read that list of techniques, see if your reasons for doing so can be explained by your held beliefs and the reason for them. If you find yourself do this without giving any merit or known logic to what I am going to state, yet still hold stronger feelings of negativity to my logic, then you can rest assured, you are also a victim of established propaganda. Dont dismiss it to protect your ego, far more is at stake then ourselves, rather get angry at how you/ we are being played. As drastic as the way wars have been fought in the past, some very basics could be held true. As crazy as it would be to take one of our previous soldiers and drop them into a different war would be alien to them, (picture a WWI Vet being dropped into the center of the Vietnam War, or a Vietnam Vet into WWI, get my point) given time that inserted Vet will recognize the basic principles of waging war. They are the 3 Fs. I think all can agree with that correct? For readers not educated in battle, the 3 Fs are Find, Fix, and Finish. My understanding is that we are already in the middle of the new war. Here is my reasoning: 1) FIND: You must define your enemy, properly and clearly identify them with clarity and rational reasons for them to be declared as an enemy. Pinpoint their location. Make all know the composition, make-up and beliefs that make the declared entity a justifiable target. We have a reason to establish the umbrella called the Department of Homeland Security, whos reason for forming was to combat threats against our country from terrorist. This pivotal event was the reaction of 9/11. Continuous combat has been going on to this day, both overt and covert in nature up to this very day. You do not find it funny (when you apply the FIND part of this principle of waging war) has so rapidly went from outside threats, to the primary focus and preparation of an all-encompassing internal one? Through total control of the media connection, be it arguing for or opposing their reasons, managing to implant their reasons to possibly having merit, when reality is complete lunacy. Example: The Returning Vets. Although having 5 years in Iraq, I was teaching electrical and non-electrical firing systems of explosive constructions in the 80s, How can the reasoning that I learned something while in Iraq (which I have know for nearly 15 years prior) now suddenly a threat to my homeland? Even if I did pick up these skills from there, playing their game, why on Earth would I bring this on my own country yet dismissing that through deed and not words, showed I was willing to die for my country? Conclusion: Propaganda! They need the masses to not reach this logic, thru the seeds of doubt being hammered in them daily. The justification of pre-positioned assets to combat the threat nation wide. ~FIND~ look at the list of those being declared as domestic threats to our nations. WAKE UP, you are being told to your face, you have been found. !!!!!!!! PHASE COMPLETED !!!!!!!!!! 2) FIX: Once you have found or identified your enemy, you must fix them to prevent their ability to maneuver, their ability to wage opposition, nor consolidation of strength, and to separate them from the non-combatants. For the purpose that, in doing so prevents a threat to disruptions of preplanned, orchestrated efforts to be taken on your terms. Facilitating their elimination of established organized forces in the most favorable outcome and least amount of damage to your forces. Once again, lets look at the Vet, but can be applied to MANY of the listed possible national domestic threats. We took an oath to our country, additionally some have creeds that govern our conduct. We hold this oath so tightly we dont dare want it to be viewed as if we could ever wish harm on our established structure of government, after all we are its walking-talking champions. Yet the population is being hammered that we are a possible threat. This being stated by those who never stood toe to toe with an actual enemy of this country, so havent a clue the complete lunacy of their statement. Guess what, they know the majority of the population ALSO can not realize this wrong with most never having understood what it takes to oppose the enemy of it. That the Vets are presumably wanting to come back to and destroy. The country that their entire lineage calls home. A place their children view as their safe place, when they see the rest of the world looking as if it is falling apart. Remember, we dont / didnt just talk it, we WALKED IT! So here we are, no longer without the slightest of doubt, our nation has been seized by those whos plans could have no favorable outcome to its growth. Several writings from our Generals have told us this, but we look away. Bold actions by so-called leaders that can not be overlooked, which are being allowed to take place, but we look away. In these bold isolated acts alone, being a great threat to our nations security, having real and measurable danger to the American people. completely in opposition to the reasoning of the establishment of the creation of Dept of Homeland Security. We have Law Enforcement of every walk and background telling us this fact. We look away. As the Vet, we hold our position. We dare not make a move that could bring validity to their pre-stated propaganda that we are a threat to our nation. We hold because we are not the protesting type, we are the action type. We face opposition to the cause of upholding our oaths not with violence, but with response proportionate to match or exceed the level of violence that surely will be presented if we act. Once that accrues, unless all main stream media outlets are taken out all at once, the spin would be that we are the ones violent and not simply taking actions to overcoming it. Furthermore, to orchestrate the level of structure needed to rid our country of the enemy, those actions will be a signal and the response will be viewed and presented to the people as justification to their already stated reasons of threat. ~FIX~ Our borders are open, Generals, countless LE Officials tell us the level of threat and agenda of so called leaders. Open actions by law makers and rulings by the Supreme Court in direct opposition of our Constitution in front of our very eyes, pre-position assets of war through out our cities, defending groups that have been declared by the world as terrorist protected by our national leaders yet we do not move! !!!!!!!! PHASE COMPLETED !!!!!!!!!! 3) FINISH: See your plan through to its end. Employment of all available and established assets polarized to the resolve of complete victory. Nothing else can be accepted. The very Constitution that we hold as hope depends on it. WAIT!! Ummm isnt Constitutionalist on that list? Scratch the definition of FINISH to have its last sentence read, The very New World New Order that is visioned, having no room for Americas belief system, depends on it. Just final touches are being currently under way to unify the forces needed to execute the final phase. The US militarys new warriors need to get with the concept of the redefined meaning of FINISH. Trained in the belief that it is their fellow patriots that wish to harm them, that their families will be protected and saved if they follow immoral corrupt leaders handpicked and placed. Never giving credit to them that we once championed our country, the one that they are about to actively take up arms to destroy. Trained on how to confined them, trained on how to engage and kill them on targets of civilian composition. Hardening their hearts and blinding their eyes away from the value of being an US Military Soldier in its moral defense. The ones by their Constitutional Law, they are not allowed to move against. Additionally to name a few further laws established to weakening the calculated pockets of resistance to these new beliefs. To invoke their religious beliefs, and twist them that it is their Gods will to give over to this new structure and the hopeless reality that the old structure of what was American is not of their Gods will, to defend it, you will violate their Gods laws. Keep the borders open to allow the brutal animals that can carry out such evil acts with no thought, against our children. Continue to be allowed without hindrance to slip in, further doing the dirty work of domination. Further recruitment of those who have no moral compass to fill the ranks of the established government structure which will have total controls over all manners of military, media, laws, and economics of the OLD America. All able to be continued because the first 2 phases are locked and cocked!!! While the masses in their learned living patterns continue to slave away, finding it far easy to buy off on the propaganda, rather then the reality of the horrors that are about to be brought upon them that surpasses even Satan himself, who would questions as to what is to much. Because to them, it has and will always be something that other countries have to deal with, that getting the last Xbox for their kid that WalMart had for Christmas. Rather then the mass slaughter of innocent babies, that we as America have funded, because they refuse to confirm to the butchers religion. Which calls for their militant views of it to convert or beheading. !!!!!!!! PHASE NEARING EXECUTION !!!!!!!!!! MAKE NO MISTAKE, THIS WAR HAS ALREADY STARTED! WE ARE FAILURES TO OUR OATH, TO OUR CREEDS, TO OUR PEOPLE! WAKE UP!!!!!
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 06:45:41 +0000

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