A tightrope walker on a thin wire hanging between two cliffs has - TopicsExpress


A tightrope walker on a thin wire hanging between two cliffs has all of his senses unified. He will not have anything less than 100% concentration. How to maintain his balance is essential – for his life depends on it. All other concerns – his business pursuits, investments, his dying car, what color wallpaper to chose for the lounge etc – fall away. His one-track mind is locked on his existence. His life is on the line. Were he to lose his focus, even momentarily, the outcome could be fatal. Rosh Hashanah is the Day of Judgment. It is the day of the universes formation (in the creation of mankind). It is the day where the individual is put under the spotlight. It is the day where every individuals fate hangs in the balance – who will live and who will die. It is the shofars piercing shock treatment that has the power to spiritually awaken each of us to consider what are our highest priorities for ourselves, for our children and for the Jewish people. It often means that our value system have to shift or be reappraised as to where our lives are heading and be in touch with what is really important in life. Rosh Hashanah is when the Jew proclaims G-d as his King at the beginning of a new year. Experiencing the shock therapy is the groundwork for a person to embark upon a new lease of life trembling before G-d and conducting his life to serve Him. May we all be inscribed in the Book of Life!
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 23:26:26 +0000

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