A top Jaish e Muhammad (JeM) commander was killed in a fierce - TopicsExpress


A top Jaish e Muhammad (JeM) commander was killed in a fierce encounter at Lolab in North Kashmir’s Kupwara district on Tuesday. A Srinagar based defense spokesman in a statement issued to Global News Service said that acting on a specific information about the presence of militants at Garewad in Lolab, Kupwara , a joint operation was launched by the Army’s 18 RR and SOG resulting into killing of the top most commander of the Jaish e Muhammad militant outfit. He said that on the night of July 22-23, information was received about movement of Qari Yasir, the top most commander of Jaish e Muhammad. F”ive columns of Rashtriya Rifles units accompanied by JK Police personnel were launched and the area was cordoned during hours of darkness.” At the outbreak of daylight, a suspicious movement was observed. When challenged, the militant opened indiscrimnate fire at the troops which was effectively retaliated, resulting into his death, he said.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Jul 2013 16:58:40 +0000

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