A totalitarian system is just fine with American liberals as long - TopicsExpress


A totalitarian system is just fine with American liberals as long as liberal goals were being achieved. Apparently, individual freedom and liberty were not part of those American liberal goals. Some of the definitions of liberal are: not narrow or contracted in mind, broad-minded; not bound by orthodox tenets or established forms in political philosophy; independent in opinion. American liberals are hardly independent-minded. They must follow the strict party line of the Democrat Party, much as communists had to follow the strict communist party line, and Nazis had to follow the Nazi party line. American liberals do not think for themselves; they have been told what to think and how to think. Almost all American liberals have been psychologically conditioned and programmed to act this way by the American public school system, where independent thought is not allowed. In the United States students must believe what their teachers believe. To express ideas contrary to their teachers beliefs risks getting a failing grade, or worse. It is an atmosphere much like one would have found in a school in Nazi Germany or in the former Soviet Union. Straying from the Democrat party line is not tolerated. Some might object to this equating of Nazi and communist ideology. In reality they are opposite sides of the same coin. Both are totalitarian systems that delude their followers and punish dissent. It is laughable to hear young people in the United States spouting tired old Marxist ideology; proving that they have never read a book about the horrors of communism. But then, many are the children and grandchildren of the most deluded and ignorant beings that ever walked on the face of the planet, the anti-Vietnam War hippies. The hippies of the 1960s were directed and controlled by the Soviet Secret Police, the KGB, and psychologically conditioned and programmed to hate the United States, the American military, and war in general. This was done to take America out of the war in Vietnam. It worked so well that the children and grandchildren of these idiot hippies still hate the United States, the military and war whether it is justified or not. When it became obvious that liberals were mentally deficient in their thinking, many of these people took to calling themselves progressives; the psychological implication being that anyone opposing progressive ideas must be against progress and somehow backward in their thinking. This use of half-assed amateur psychology is typical of liberals whether they call themselves progressives or not. Psychology, particularly Freudian psychology, is a bogus and semi-religious belief system in which only liberals and members of the Democrat Party believe. Page-ii Other than half-assed amateur psychology, liberals have borrowed other tactics from communists like Saul Alinsky and Van Jones. This excursion into the communist influences on American liberals does not diminish the Nazi nature of liberals. Both are totalitarian systems, and liberals display the characteristics of both. It is just that if you start off by calling liberals communists, people tend to tune you out. Calling liberals Nazis gets everyones attention. One must also question whether American Democrats are really democratic. When communism collapsed in the former Soviet Union, the Communist Party in Great Britain changed its name to the Democrat Party. In contrast, the American Democrat Party is flirting with Marxist ideas, calling these ideas progressive, and then saying that Democrat ideas are the only valid ideas for the country. That is a totalitarian approach to governing. When the hippie/Marxist president, Barack Obama, and the Democrats came to power in the 2008 election, Republican ideas were ignored and shoved aside. Democrats ruled in a totalitarian manner. When Republicans gained control of the House of Representatives in the 2010 election, the hippie/Marxist President Obama claimed that Congress (the Republicans in the House) were obstructing the functions of government. It is statements like these that betray the intent of the hippie/Marxist liberal, Barack Obama, to govern in a totalitarian manner. American liberals support Barack Obama and this approach to governing. Just how close the Obama administration is to Marxism was revealed by some of his appointments to White House positions. Van Jones, an admitted communist, was made the Green Jobs Czar by Barack Obama before his background became known and he was forced to resign. Anita Dunn was made White House Communications Director by Barack Obama. At a commencement speech Anita Dunn said the following: The third lesson, and a tip, actually came from two of my favorite political philosophers: Mao Tse Tung and Mother Theresa, not often coupled with each other. Dunn then laughed along with the audience, smiling that she had made a funny. The communist dictator of China, Mao Tse Tung, probably murdered more innocent human beings than anyone else on the planet, and here we have the hippie/liberal Anita Dunn attempting to quote from this monster and laughing about it! One can just see a young Anita Dunn with her hippie, wire- rimmed glasses sitting among a group of unwashed, long-haired, bearded hippies in a haze of marijuana smoke quoting from the little red book of the mass murderer Mao Tse Tung. It is situations like this that support the notion that liberals are really, really, really dumb. It was during the Cultural Revolution under Mao Tse Tung that it became a crime in Communist China to be educated and successful. If you were ignorant and dirt poor, then you were one of the people as opposed to being an oppressor of the people. Teachers and university professors were imprisoned in reeducation camps, and anyone with the least amount of goods had those goods confiscated. Millions were exposed as enemies of the people by teenage Red Guards and turned over to the Army to be executed. Today something similar is happening in the United States. Uneducated and low-achieving individuals are termed the real people while educated and wealthy individuals are Page-iii scorned by American liberals. The Occupy Wall Street morons call their real people the 99 percent and all others the 1 percent. For the most part, the Occupy Wall Street idiots are a small fraction of the population and not the 99 percent that they claim. They are a mix of aging hippies with graying pony tails and marajuana stained beards, anarchists, the brainwashed children and grandchildren of 1960s hippies, Marxists and just plain bums. They are the dumbest of the dumb and true liberals. In his book, Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left from Mussolini to the Politics of Meaning, Jonah Goldberg proposed that American liberals were more like Nazis than anything liberal. For a time American liberals had started calling themselves progressives until it was revealed that progressives in previous decades had expressed their admiration for the Italian fascist dictator Benito Mussolini, who would become an ally of Adolf Hitler and the Nazis. In the 1930s American liberals only saw that Mussolini had claimed to have eliminated discrimination based on social class and had created higher employment with public works projects. American liberals didnt seem to have noticed the fascist Blackshirts storm troopers or the fact that all political parties, except for the fascist party, had been banned. In other words, a totalitarian system was just fine with American liberals as long as liberal goals were being achieved. Apparently, individual freedom and liberty were not part of those American liberal goals. It was also in the 1930s that the liberal icon Margaret Mead paid a visit to the Soviet Union and declared that she had seen great progress being made for humanity. Margaret Mead seems not to have noticed the slave labor camps, the Gulags, or the fact that millions were being deliberately being starved to death in the Ukraine. Instead what Margaret Mead noticed, and apparently worshiped, was the claimed elimination of social classes by the countrys Marxist overlords, who did constitute a higher ruling class. The fascists in Italy also had a superior ruling class while claiming to have eliminated social classes. Here is the key to understanding the defect present in American liberals. American liberals will support a totalitarian system as long as it claims to have eliminated social classes. American liberals openly express their admiration of the totalitarian regime in Cuba because of its apparent lack of social classes; well, except for the ruling class. American liberals also seem to support the Marxist dictator of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez. The actor Sean Penn even said that any American citizen criticizing Hugo Chavez should be put in prison. American liberals hate anyone who is rich and successful, unless it is another liberal, because the rich and successful constitute an upper class. However...READ MORE
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 19:12:06 +0000

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