A trainer. What does that mean? Its not just someone who yells at - TopicsExpress


A trainer. What does that mean? Its not just someone who yells at you to do more push ups. Its a person who helps guide, coach, teach, and motivate you. Someone who is a 3rd party to keep you accountable. Someone who took the time to train, get certified, and get the knowledge to get you results and reach YOUR goals. People who utilize a trainer are far more likely to get results faster and safer than those who go it alone. With me you get someone who actually cares about you and is genuinely interested is seeing you grow and succede. If you want to become more and succeed contact me and lets get this started. I have special introductory rates right now, but hurry they only last until February. If you sign up before then and stick with me you keep your low rate. $60/mo online training. Delevlop workouts, nutrition, supplementation, keep journal, set goals, track progress. At least 2 online meetings a week. Only downfall is I am not physically in front of you to spot check. $60/mo 3x per week classes M, W, F. 2 class times to choose from. (11-11:45pm & 12-12:45pm) Larger group classes designed to get you in and out over your lunch break. $180/mo 2x per week $400/3mo 3x per week 1 on 1 or small groups of no more than 3. Circuit training that draws from strength, athletic, functional, and bodybuilding styles. We keep a journal, design custom workouts, go over nutrition, goals, supplementation, and track progress. All people are welcome. Men, women, young, old, fat, skinny, broke, in shape, or just needing a change. I can scale based on ability. Dont be scared, remember its hard for everybody not just you. The only thing you need.........is heart.
Posted on: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 04:27:11 +0000

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