“A traitorous Congress, led principally by Senator Nelson - TopicsExpress


“A traitorous Congress, led principally by Senator Nelson Aldrich of New York, kin of the Rockefeller clan, and one Carter Glass, Senator from Virginia, unconstitutionally- (because this Act constituted an illegal amendment of the Constitution) -sneaked through Congress just two days before Christmas in 1913, when many in that body had gone home for the Holidays, The Federal Reserve Act. The Federal Reserve Banks, a system owned and operated not by the United States Government, as many have been led to believe, but by a group of private Rothschild and affiliated bankers sent here from Europe for the express purpose of gaining control of this Nations money system, just as they had done in every nation in Europe with the exception of Czarist Russia, up to that time, and involved that continent in war after war. “ The Banking firm of Kuhn, Loeb Company, sent Paul Warburg to America from their office in Hamburg, Germany, to become the chief “engineer,” implementer, and spokesman for the newly proposed system, and voila, was appointed first Governor of the Federal Reserve Board. Yes, of course, there were those who emphatically opposed it on principle, and they fought this bill on the floor of Congress. In the middle of the fray, that goes on to this very day, one voice stood out as a loyal Constutionalist, Congressman Lindbergh of Minnesota. He said: “This Act establishes the most gigantic trust on earth. When the President signs the Bill, the invisible Government by the Monetary Power will be legalized... The people may not know it immediately, but the day of reckoning is only a few years removed... The people must make a declaration of independence to relieve themselves from the (this) monetary power... This they will be able to do by taking control of Congress, the division of Congress into political parties is a crime...” I had to read this several times... Since that bill was signed into law by President Wilson, this nation has been sliding down a slippery hill- The involvement of two World Wars, and from that time a barrage of so called “police actions,” and the reality of today is a heading to a “One World Government.” War is very profitable for the Military Industrial Complex, and there is no end in sight. Without a doubt, if we the people can not find the means to curb this domineering power, all will be lost. Well, read on, there is indeed a solution...
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 00:56:38 +0000

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