A translated Russian recipe for our Ausie mates. Belyashi - TopicsExpress


A translated Russian recipe for our Ausie mates. Belyashi usually made from yeast dough and fry in a pan. I also did belyashi for this recipe, but my eye caught a very different way of preparing this dish and I decided to try my hand. At the end of the recipe preparation Tat on kefir, Ill tell you what I eventually got. You also need to stock up on minced meat, flour, yogurt and milk. Bake belyashi going in the oven. Flour - 3 cups Eggs - 2 pieces Yogurt - 1 cup Sugar - 1 tablespoon Baking soda - 1 teaspoon vegetable oil - 4 tablespoons Table salt - 1 teaspoon Ingredients for the filling for Tat: Minced meat - 400 grams of milk - 1 cup Onion - 3 pieces Step by step instructions with photos Tat preparations for yogurt in the bowl, mix yogurt with soda, leave for 10 minutes. Kefir should be fresh, acidic enough that the dough is well raised. In a lot of kefir add sugar, eggs, oil and salt, stirring well. Next add flour, stirring without stopping. Make the dough, put it in a plastic bag, leave it for half an hour. Peel onions, finely chopped. Stuffing mix with onion, salt, pepper, add the stuffing milk. Divide the dough into pieces the size of a hens egg, roll out tortillas. Put in the resulting cake stuffing, sleplyaem edges of the dough so that there is a small hole. Lay out future belyashi on oiled baking, leave for 20 minutes. Put the pan in a preheated 150 ° C oven and bake for 30 minutes. We take out the pan from the oven, spread belyashi on a large plate, lubricate them with oil, cover with a plastic bag, and top with a towel, leave for 10 minutes. Belyashi ready. In the end, I turned out quite edible, not too salty belyashi. Dough, unfortunately was not up, so the stuffing was covered with a thin crust. I advise you to use a dish just with the heat from the oven, or if it will stand you a few hours, the crust will be very dry and almost impenetrable for delicate childrens teeth. As an option - not worth trying to bake, and fry in oil in a frying pan, which I did. The ultimate cost of each Tat on this recipe significantly lower (twice) than those sold in cafeterias and kiosks. All copyrights belong exclusively to the text draft My recipes. In the event of a breach of copy of our materials will be made for appropriate sanctions to violators: an appeal to the hosting company and other legal measures in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation. Respect other peoples work! Source material: mycook-recipes.ru/vipechka/pirogi/belyashi_na_kefire.html
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 10:25:13 +0000

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