A tribute from a converted sachin fan.. Disclaimers: I am not - TopicsExpress


A tribute from a converted sachin fan.. Disclaimers: I am not an die-hard supporter of sachin, still feel Dravid deserved an equally similar farewell and have my allegiance to Dada (Sourav Ganguly) whom I feel was the real reason for turn-around of Indian cricket in 2000s. Change is the only thing which doesnt change in life .. This is what my mathematics teacher used to tell us during our II PUC while teaching differentiation. It is so true and applicable in life that sometimes when change hits you, you feel as if you are hit by a speeding truck. Still in daze from what I have experienced over past few days, I thought I will write a tribute (with inspiration from Saugata Das). So here goes.. To move a stone requires effort, To move a nation requires super-human effort and when one is blessed to move a nation, you need to take the chance with both hands and make the very best of it.. and did Sachin do it in style or what??? The mans stature is known when he speaks from heart. My favorite fiction hero, Hercule Poirot often repeats that to know a human, engage them in a direct conversation and not an interrogation. So when sachin spoke yday (links are all over internet), I was thinking what are the lessons that we can learn from this widely loved, admired, worshipped cricketer... some of which I would like my children also to learn over a period of time.. so my tribute is more of a list of lessons that one can learn from the true Little Master 1. We should NEVER EVER forget what our parents have done for us. There are more people who play the role of a parent (remember Sachin mentioned his uncle and aunt way before his siblings in his speech), we should always show them the respect and have the gratitude for their sacrifices and love towards us. 2. A good support system in the form of the family lays a sound foundation for future. It is very important to create one as a family. 3. There a lot of people who make a lot of sacrifices so that we can achieve our dreams (Ajit Tendulkar gave up his career, Sachins wife took care of the home). Without these pillars of life, we are nothing. We need to acknowledge, understand and always RESPECT these pillars without whom we may never achieve anything in life. 4. There are some who sacrifice without even knowing it (children). Dont ever forget them and try to make the best of the time going forward. This is very true for everyone in IT industry as there are lot of times when we sacrifice our personal lives for work. Lesson to always remember at the back of the mind. 5. TEACHER.. TEACHER.. TEACHER.. Never forget that your teacher is the reason you become something. The teacher could be your professor or lecturer or a mentor or a friend or a brother. Guru manifests in many forms.. so keep your minds open and always work towards your goal. 6. This is not from the speech. When you are working towards a goal, have a single minded dedication and focus on goal. There are lot of people and incidents which will distract you or try to push onto a wrong path, but keep your focus and dedication on your end goal. Always make the dignified path towards your goal and you shall achieve it. 7. Last, but definitely the best, BE ROOTED, BE HUMBLE and RESPECT your workplace. This makes you what you are. When Sachin touched the ground and paid his respects, it teaches a thing or two to us IT engineers who sometimes use our cubes as dumping grounds (my observation). Our workplaces are temples and we should always try to maintain as one.. Little Master, you played a masterstroke on your final innings and really gave a lot of food for thought for us mere mortals.. SALUTE.. RESPECT..
Posted on: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 15:18:36 +0000

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