A trio of small scenarios based on your favorite Halloween style - TopicsExpress


A trio of small scenarios based on your favorite Halloween style themes! First up; Aliens VS Predators VS Marines! a Three team, three way battle for survival! Mission Block I: Aliens vs. Predators vs. Marines Duration: 90 minutes Points Available: 300 per team Paroba, A terrestrial planet orbiting Centauri A of the Alpha Centauri Binary star system. Weyland-Yutani engineers, under protection of a Marine battalion are 3 years into their terraforming expedition on Paroba when the exploration team Alpha stumbles upon an ancient temple. Team Alpha doesn’t make it very far into the temple when they encounter an area littered with eggs. Not recognizing a species capable of laying these eggs they gather up a large number of them for further research. Suddenly, they are attacked by black, serpent like creatures that are incredibly mobile. Alpha team barely makes it out alive with only 10 eggs in tote and return to the Marine FOB. Meanwhile, an elite hunting species has landed on the planet to play out their ritualistic hunt … Starting the Mission & Re-Spawns: • Marines (yellow team) will start within the POW Camp. Marines’ instant re-spawn is Southwest of POW camp. • Aliens (red team) will start at the Bunker. Aliens’ instant re-spawn is the former Barracks, South of the Bunker. • Predators (blue team) will start at the Invasion Beach. Predators’ instant re-spawn is at the Wooden Chopper. Team Objectives: • The Marines: o Are to transport the eggs from their starting base (POW Camp) to the EZ, Northeast of the Combat Town. They can either carry the eggs on foot or by loading them into the APC. Both modes of transport are worth the same amount of points, but each come at a cost: If carried by foot, the egg must be left if the Marine carrying the egg is shot. The egg may not be touched, moved, buried, or altered in any way by any other team. • A Marine may not carry more than one egg at a time. Only one egg can be transported by the APC at a time. If the APC is taken out by either a LAW rocket or a paint grenade (by hitting a target on the tank) then the egg must return to the POW camp to re-spawn • Each egg safely brought to the EZ will award the Marines with 15 points. o Marines are also to find a lose plasma castor located at the Predators’ base and bring it to the EZ. If the Marines capture the plasma castor and are shot out, they must drop the plasma castor where they were called out. The plasma castor may not be touched, moved, buried, or altered in any way by any other team. • Delivering the plasma castor to the EZ will award the Marines with 150 points. • The Aliens: o Are to stop the Marines from delivering the eggs the EZ. Aliens may “take out” the APC with a LAW Rocket hit or a paint grenade destroying any eggs contained within. (Destroyed eggs will be brought back to the egg spawn) • Each egg prevented from being delivered, destroyed or otherwise, will award the Aliens 15 Points. o Aliens will also have to defend their hive at the Bunker containing their Queen from the Predators. Aliens must prevent the three flags at the Bunker from being flipped. (the flag may only be flipped once) • Each Flag successfully guarded (un-flipped) at the end of the mission will award the Aliens 50 Points. • The Predators: o Are to destroy the Alien Base containing the Alien Queen. Predators must flip the three flags at the Bunker. (they only need to be flipped once) • Each Flag successfully flipped will award the Predators with 50 Points. o Predators must also prevent the Marines from successfully gaining access to their base, stealing the plasma castor and delivering it to the EZ. At no time are the Predators allowed to touch, move, bury, or alter the plasma castor in any way. Preventing the plasma castor from being delivered by the marines to the EZ will award the Predators 150 Points. Second; Underworld, Vampires VS Lycans! The battle for Lycan freedom, or Vampire purity! Mission Block V: Underworld Duration: 90 minutes Points Available: 325 Eight centuries ago, unknown to humanity, a blood feud raged between a ruling class of vampires and a rebellious legion of werewolves known as Lycans. Legend tells that the war began with two brothers, the immortal sons of Alexander Corvinus. Markus, bitten by bat, became the blood leader of the vampires. William, bitten by wolf, became the first and most powerful Lycan. Starting the Mission & Re-Spawns: • The Vampire team (Red) will spawn at combat town. Their re-spawn will be behind combat town. • The Lycan Team (Blue) will spawn at the POW Camp. Their re-spawn will be outside POW Camp. Team Objectives: • There will be a neutral flag point located in the playing field. Points will be awarded based on control of the flag and can be flipped back and forth. Whichever team color is present on the flag post at 15 minute intervals will award 25 points accordingly to that team. Points will be tallied at the end, maximum of 150 points. • The vampire objective is to awaken Markus, the first and most powerful Vampire. This must be done by taking one vial, of 3 in play, of vampire blood to Markus’ lair. (fort Von Ronne) The vials are hidden around the field but only the correct one containing pure vampire elder blood can be used to awaken Markus. Once Markus is awakened, he becomes a playable character that is head hits only. Bonus points will be awarded for finding the remaining vials. Markus will be marked with double arm bands • The Lycan objective is to awaken William, the first and most powerful Lycan. This must be done by taking one key (of 3 in play) to Williams’s tomb (invasion beach). The keys are hidden around the field but only the correct one may be used to awaken William. Once William is awakened, he becomes a playable character that is head hits only. Bonus points will be awarded for finding the remaining keys. William will be marked with double arm bands. • The correct Vial or Key (respectively) can be determined by first visiting the vampire historian, Andreas Tannis (located at the causeway), before bringing it to the respective leader start points. He will tell the Vampire or Lycan teams which of their props is the proper one to unlock their powerful leader. No player can fire on each other while on the causeway speaking to the historian. (Cones will designate the safe zone where no firing will be allowed) • Each prop found will be worth 25 points. You are not allowed to touch/hide the opposing team’s props. Unlocking a leader will be worth 100 points. • No Alliances Third; ZOMBIELAND! NEED WE SAY MORE?!?!?! Mission Block III: Zombieland Duration: 90 minutes Points Available: 300 It became apparent early on that the only way to survive the Zombie Apocalypse was to create an impenetrable defensive position and stay put until all of those mindless flesh eaters run out of food and waste away. In New York there are still two location which have survived due to there unique structures. First, a town built on a steep mountain side blew all access bridges when the outbreak began but with radios going silent and no zombies in sight for months the town has created a retracting bridge and is ready to rejoin humanity. The second, a bunker built deep inside the Adirondack Mountains shut the blast doors to never open. With no sign of life for months from their closed circuit tvs the leaders feel it is safe to cut the doors and reenter he world. Recon has shown two suitable locations to create a new civilization due to their closeness to a water source. The access points have been made and the forward teams have started to move supplies…or have they. Starting the Mission & Re-Spawns: • The Human Team (Red) the two spawn points will be located at The Bunker or Stilt Village. • The Zombie Team (Blue) the two spawn points will be Invasion Beach and Fort VonRonne. Team Objectives: • Both teams may split their forces amongst two different spawn locations as they see fit. • The Human primary objective will be to move 10 crates per base (10 points a piece with 20 crates available) to either of the drop zones (they can all be delivered to one or split up). Once a crate is delivered to a drop off point, it may not be moved. The humans will be given a map to the drop zones but the zombies will have to seek them out. • The Human secondary objective will be to locate two map pieces that when put together will reveal the location of a weapon that could stop all of this zombie madness. (25 points for the each map piece and 50 points for the successful return of the weapon.) • The Zombie primary objective will be to stop the transportation of the supply crates. (10 points a piece with 20 crates available) • The Zombie secondary objective will be to locate the two Human bases and flip 4 flags around them (10 points a flipped flag and when 4 are all flipped 50 points will be awarded). Once the flags are flipped they may not be flipped back. The zombies may occupy the bases but may not touch any remaining crates. The humans may retake their bases back by clearing them out. Once bases are reoccupied transportation of crates may begin but it is not necessary to occupy the base to transport the crates. • Any Survivor that is barrel tagged by a Zombie, becomes a zombie!
Posted on: Thu, 19 Sep 2013 17:06:02 +0000

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